Make Your Own Rope Halter


Horse Illustrated MagazineDue to their thin construction, rope halters offer a bit more control than the nylon and leather varieties more commonly found in tack store catalogs. Here’s how to make one of your own.

What you’ll need:
-20-foot length of ¼ inch polyester rope
– Portable lighter to fuse rope ends to prevent unraveling

1. Lay out rope.
Tie overhand knots at 30″ (knot #1), 39″ (knot #2), 49″ (knot #3), and 82″ (knot #4)

2. Tie small loop 10 inches from knot #4

3. Working backward with unknotted section of rope, loosen knot #3, pass rope end through and double knot as shown in steps 3a-3c. Allow approximately 10 inches of rope between your loop and knot #3
Loosen knot #2 and double knot, then repeat with knots #4 and #1.

4. Your rope should now resemble a halter

5. Gather excess rope at noseband and tie chin knot as shown. Slip over horse’s head.

6. Pass poll end through throatlatch loop and tie as shown. Pull to tighten. Remove from horse. Trim extra rope at poll and fuse rope ends with lighter.

7. The finished product!

Read on for advice on fitting your rope halter >>

Make Your Own Rope Halter Step 2
Make Your Own Rope Halter Step 3a, 3b, 3c
Make Your Own Rope Halter Step 4
Make Your Own Rope Halter Step 5
Make Your Own Rope Halter Step 6
Make Your Own Rope Halter Step 7

This article originally appeared in the March 2002 issue of Horse Illustrated. Subscribe today!


  1. I tried the halter and my dad tried and we found it quite complicated. I think maybe a video would be good for the more hands-on learners.

  2. just one comment, (placing captain obvious cap on:) ) do not burn edge of rope while halter is on horse as might be perceived in #6 🙂 lol!


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