Priscilla Lindsey

Priscilla Lindsey has been in the equestrian field since 1981Priscilla Lindsey, of Concordia, Kan., is a Horsemanship Judge for the North American Trail Ride Conference (NATRC) and a Centered Riding Instructor. She started in the sport of competitive trail in 1981, after years of showing horses and enjoying pleasure trail rides. She enjoyed the sport so much that she started concentrating her horse breeding and training business on producing horses specifically for this sport. Priscilla and her husband, Steve, have enjoyed competitive trail in 19 states. They have raised and trained two National Champion competitive trail winners in both NATRC and Arabian Horse Association (AHA) competitions. Several other horses from their breeding program have become winners, including the 2006 National Champion Half-Arabian in AHA competition. In addition to raising Arabian and Half-Arabian horses, and giving riding lessons and clinics, they also raise beef cattle and produce a variety of grain crops on their Kansas farm.



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