Slideshow: Fun with Horse Clipping Patterns


A professional body clipper since 1997, Dana Boyd-Miller is most famous for her spectacular clipping designs and patterns.

“I use stencils made of either thin cardboard, such as manila folders or cereal boxes, or mylar plastic from the craft store that comes in 8″x10″ sheets,” she says. “Ten or 20 mil plastic works best. You can freehand-draw a picture and cut it out, or find a photo and take it to [a copy shop] to blow it up and then put it on the plastic and cut it out to make a stencil. Use a spray adhesive, such as repositionable crafting spray, to stick the stencil to the horse. Then just clip right over it.”


Further Reading
Guide to Clipping Your Horse
Body Clipping


  1. Do you have examples for those of us that don’t clip in the cold months? My QH’s name is Thunder and I clip a lightening bolt on his bootie so he’s “Thunder and Lightening”. (Corny maybe, but it’s fun).

  2. Though this is really cool !! I don’t think horses should be clipped In the winter especially where the winter months are cold and snowy ! They grow that hair for protection for their skin !!


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