Polo Primer


Today, polo is often seen as a pursuit of the idle rich and British royalty. But that’s changing. Hollywood celebrities, down-to-earth cowboys and everyday horse lovers are discovering polo. If you feel the need to take a good, hard swing at a ball from the back of a horse, here’s how to get started.

**For the full article, pick up the February 2007 issue of HORSE ILLUSTRATED.**

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  1. First let me say I am a subcriber to your GREAT magazine and want to pass on how very pleased I was to see your article on Polo. It is hardly ever mentioned in any magazines and is , I believe, the best tutor for riding I’ve experienced. You forget about riding and play the game. I am by no means a good polo player but have played in probably six games and love it. When I first started riding , at about 50, my brother-in-law introduced me to polo which scared me to death at first but once you get out on the field you love it. I recommend it to anyone, it’s great. Thank-you for the article and please follow up on it. Also, I very highly recommend all riders watch a high goal polo match, the horsemanship is absolutely amazing.


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