

    Love Wins a Horse Race with Death
    Black Jack, an 8-month-old Thoroughbred, is lucky to be alive, thanks largely to a feed-store owner and a nurse who rescued him from a Niagara County farm, The Buffalo News reports. Read more >>

    Bill Would Ban Horse Slaughter/Law Would Have Little Effect
    A mostly symbolic bill to outlaw horse slaughter in Kentucky is intended to put public pressure on so-called “killer buyers” and on federal lawmakers to end the practice, the Lexington-Herald Leader reports. Read more >>

    Slain Wild-Horse Remains Found
    Horse lovers are angered by the recent killing of wild equine in the central Alberta, Canada, foothills, the Calgary Sun reports. Read more >>

    Updates on the EHV-1 outbreak in Florida
    Get United States Equestrian Federation updates on the recent outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus in Florida. Read more >>

    Updates on the EHV-1 outbreak in California
    Get California Department of Food & Agriculture updates on the recent outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus in California. Read more >>


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