Wayward Mare Finds Way Home


Janet Vankanegan boards her bay and white tobiano paint mare, Lily, in a small stable tucked into the cityscape of Norwalk, an urban community just outside Los Angeles, Calif. On Feb. 26, Vankanegan took Lily for a trail ride not far from the stable. Unfortunately, Lily spooked, unseated her rider and bolted off down the street. Distraught, Vankanegan began looking for her horse. When the mare didn’t turn up, she contacted law enforcement officials.

Surveillance video from a parking lot surrounding a diner and coffeehouse showed Lily gallivanting loose across the asphalt. Then, several men surrounded the mare and one climbed into the saddle and rode out of view. Of course, Vankanegan was distraught. She considered the horse stolen and feared that the paint mare would be sold at an auction. However, the wannabe urban cowboy who took Lily must’ve had a change of heart, especially after local network news shows were saturated with the unusual tale. Vandanegan received a phone call the next weekend from an unidentified man in the nearby town of Ontario. He said he had the mare in his possession and would like to return her. Reportedly, Lily is back at her home stable, safe and sound, and probably not too eager to go on another adventure.


  1. I’m not always a friend of media coverage, but in this case — thank God for TV! I hope the “finder” didn’t get prosecuted — he had a change of heart, after all!

  2. Glad to see her home safe and sound. Also great that honesty and integrity came into play with the person who found her.

  3. On the other hand….the guy who rode off with the mare probably saw the news on tv, and thought police might be able to identify him. And just maybe…..that’s why he called the owner. Either way, thank goodness the lady got her horse back!


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