World Equestrian Games Gain Exposure From Highway Signs Across Kentucky


The 2010 WEGs will feature signs along 6 major highways in KentuckyMore than 400 million travelers winding their way through Kentucky will pass by six new highways signs that promote the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.

“We cannot express how excited we are that the state has embraced the Games to this level,” stated Jack Kelly, CEO of the event. “This really shows that Kentucky understands the magnitude of this event and we thank the Transportation Cabinet and Department of Tourism for making these signs happen.”

The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games is expected to draw hundreds of thousands of fans from around the world and will serve as the world championships for eight different equestrian disciplines.

On average, more than 55,000 cars pass by each of the six locations daily. With approximately 42 months between now and the Games, that totals more than 400 million cars, whose occupants will see these signs.

Currently, the signs are placed near highway entrances to the state at the following locations:
•        I-65 Northbound in Simpson County
•        I-65 Southbound in Bullitt County
•        I-75 Southbound in Boone County
•        I-75 Northbound in Whitley County
•        I-64 Eastbound in Shelby County
•        I-64 Westbound in Carter County


  1. I am thrilled to hear of the publicity for the games in Kentucky. I myself am very excited and hope to attend at least part of the games.


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