American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame Seeks Nominations


American Quarter Horse shown in halterDo you know of a special human or horse who deserves to be in the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame? The Hall of Fame is seeking nominations of men, women and horses that have influenced the American Quarter Horse or the American Quarter Horse Association to be considered for induction into the prestigious Hall for 2010. Nominations are due by December 1, 2008.

Any AQHA member who has impacted the American Quarter Horse industry as a promoter, breeder, competitor, trainer or in other ways as a contributor of his or her talents to benefit the breed or the Association can be nominated. Human nominees can be living or deceased.

Registered American Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds are eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame. Horses nominated for the Hall of Fame must have been outstanding for a period of years as a sire, dam or competitor, or have brought exceptional visibility to the American Quarter Horse breed. Equine nominees must be deceased.

For more information on nominating procedures and a nomination form, visit

Here are some helpful hints to consider when completing the nomination form:

*Complete the form in its entirety.
*Nomination materials should be legible and on standard size 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
*Information pertaining to the criteria is more important than photos and ads.
*Letters of recommendation are helpful but not if copies of the same letter or information are just signed by different people.
*AQHA will research the latest summary of breeder, owner and horse records for each nominee and add this information to the nomination. Past articles from AQHA publications about the individual will be added to the nomination.

To view a list of the current Hall of Fame members, visit



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