HorseChannel Newswire


Equestrian Sport

Eric Lamaze, the Greatest Champion
The Grand Prix Rolex, the fifth leg of the Rolex FEI World Cup™ competition, was won today by a rider who foremost wanted to show that indeed he is the best in the world, from the FEI.  Read more >>

USEF Announces 2008 Equestrians of Honor; Vote Online Now
As the year comes to a close, the United States Equestrian Federation® (USEF) is pleased to announce the 2008 Equestrians of Honor. Of these seven honorees, one will be selected as the 2008 USEF Equestrian of the Year, one of USEF’s most prestigious awards. All of the Equestrians of Honor will be recognized during the Annual Pegasus Awards Dinner at the USEF Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 17, from the USEF.  Read more >>

ApHC Congratulates Winning Appaloosa and Rider with $50,000
Appaloosa, Honkin Hunter, earned his weight and then some in dollars in the 2-year-old Hunt Seat Futurity at the Just For Pleasure Show in Perry, Georgia, from AHP.  Read more >>

Equine Welfare

NCSL supports horse industry, humane horse slaughter
The National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) this weekend adopted a policy that urges Congress to oppose legislation that would restrict the market, transport, processing, or export of horses, to recognize the need for humane horse processing facilities in the U.S. and not to interfere with state efforts to establish facilities in the United States, from Feedstuffs.  Read more >>

Wild-Horse Roundup Plans Anger Advocates
Wild-horse advocates are up in arms over new plans, announced by federal land managers, to conduct emergency roundups of nearly 2,000 more mustangs from the range in Nevada at a time when government holding pens are already overflowing, from the Washington Post.  Read more >>

Barn’s heater caused fire that killed 15 horses
A fire that killed 15 horses at the Eckstein Farms boarding stable in Pierce County, Wash., Thursday night was caused by a malfunction in an electrical heater, fire investigators with Central Pierce Fire & Rescue said, from The Seattle Times.  Read more >>

Wealthy horse owners also feeling economic crunch
Horse racing has long been a sport for the rich, but lately even those who can spend more on a horse than most people spend on a house have been struggling with the bottom line, from the Boston Herald.  Read more >>

The Only Card a Donkey Gets at Christmas
As people in the UK receive Christmas cards through the post, it was revealed today that for many working animals in West Africa, the only card they’ll ever receive is cardboard scraps to eat, from IT News.  Read more >>

FOSH Compiles Listing of Soring Articles
Friends of Sound Horses (FOSH) announced that it has compiled a listing of over 60 articles that have appeared in the media and on the Internet in 2008 that address the abusive practice of soring, from AHP.  Read more >>

FEI sets up first-time buyer guidelines
Guidelines on buying horses for the uninitiated are being produced by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), from Horse and Hound.  Read more >>

Human Interest

December 15th – the bidding begins
It’s that time again – and a great opportunity to get that perfect gift for that horsey person on your list, from the USEA.  Read more >>


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