HorseChannel receives 2008 USEF Pegasus Media Award

1159 won the 2008 Pegasus AwardOver the past decade, the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has bestowed special Pegasus Awards for media excellence on an array of talented journalists, photographers and publications. The editors at Horse Illustrated magazine are proud to announce that their website, HorseChannel, received a 2008 Pegasus Award by being named the Best Internet Site. Additionally, Horses USA, an annual reference guide that provides first-time and beginner horse owners with everything they need to know about caring for a horse, received a 2008 Pegasus Award for Special Publication Honor. Horses USA is also produced by the editors of Horse Illustrated magazine.

For more than 30 years, Horse Illustrated has served the hands-on horse owner by promoting the best in horse management, riding and training for all breeds and styles of riding. Along with its website,, Horse Illustrated provides the latest horse news plus essential information about equine health, nutrition, grooming  and all aspects of horse care plus English and western training solutions, breed profiles and more. Horse Illustrated’s in-depth articles come from respected resources and top industry experts.

The Pegasus Awards will be presented live during the 2009 USEF Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, during a special luncheon on Saturday, January 17, 2009.


  1. Congratulations. You fully deserve this great honour. I hope it brings more people to the site. Our site. It’s like a family on here.


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