Extreme Mustang Makeover Visionary Named As Westerner to Watch


BLM MustangMustang Heritage Foundation (MHF) Executive Director Patti Colbert has been named one of the “Top 15 Westerners to Watch” by American Cowboy magazine in its February/March 2009 issue, in company with such illustrious names as Texas billionaire T. Boone Pickens, New Mexico Senator Tom Udall and Patrick Gottsch, creator of RFD-TV.

Colbert, who created the Extreme Mustang Makeover, says being named to the list was a surprise and an honor.  “It’s great to get recognition for creating this event, but the bonus is more people will know about it,” she said. “These are truly amazing animals and I’m privileged to work with a great staff of women here at Patti Colbert Enterprises and at the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) who are as stoked as I am to get more people involved and engaged in adopting these horses.”

The Foundation plans to place another 1,000 horses for adoption in 2009, having placed in excess of that number since the beginning of the Extreme Mustang Makeover in September 2007. Since it’s creation, an estimated 100,000 fans have filled the stands and walked the barns of events held across the U.S. and fans will have even more chances in 2009 as the Foundation will hold 10 events from Oregon to Florida. See the list of dates and locations below.

In the Makeover, trained mustangs are judged on conditioning, groundwork, and a “Horse Course” that requires maneuvers and includes obstacles found in trail and recreational riding situations. Each trainer also has an opportunity to showcase their animal’s unique talents in a two-minute freestyle before qualifying for the final top 10 round. All mustangs in competition will be made available for adoption the final day of each show.

Even though the animals will have been handled and trained, the same adoptions conditions that accompany any Bureau of Land Management adoption will apply for the new owner when the animal is adopted.

Potential adopters will apply for the opportunity to be included in the competitive bidding process at the event with BLM personnel available to review and approve the application on site. For full adoption requirements and information, go to https://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/adoption.htm

The Mustang Heritage Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), created the Extreme Mustang Makeover and Mustang Challenge events to highlight the recognized value of American Mustangs through a national training competition. The event will give the public a unique opportunity to see the results of wild horses becoming trained mounts and then participate in a competitive bidding process to adopt one of these treasured animals. The purpose of the competition is to showcase the beauty, versatility, and trainability of these rugged horses that roam freely on public lands throughout the West, where they are protected by the BLM under Federal law.

Nearly 29,000 Mustangs roam federal and privately held contracted lands across the country. In order to manage the herds and maintain both land and herd health, the BLM oversees the adoption of wild horses and burros through public adoptions held throughout the United States. Since 1973, more than 219,000 wild horses and burros have been adopted.

2009 MHF Events

Mustang Magic Competition
Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo
Ft. Worth, TX
January 23-24

Northwest Extreme Mustang Makeover
Albany, Ore.
March 20-22

Gatorland Extreme Mustang Makeover
Lynn Palm’s Women LUV Horses
Ocala, Fla.
April 3-5

Midwest Extreme Mustang Makeover
Madison, Wis.
April 19-21

Norco Extreme Mustang Trail Challenge
Norco, Calif.
May 15-17

Western States Extreme Mustang Makeover
Sacramento, Calif.
June 12-14

Wyoming Extreme Mustang Makeover
Douglas, Wyo.
August 14-16

Fort Worth, Tx
September 18-20

Murfreesboro, Tenn.
October 23-25.

Read more about the Extreme Mustang Makeover.


  1. Thanks for the info and the links! I’m excited that there are trainers participating in the challenge in NC and I’ll keep an eye on them!

  2. you do not need more experience, so I could participate! just take your god given talent you have and go for it.,Remember Horse training is a skilled art use it. Its about the horse


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