HorseTV to broadcast HITS Ocala circuit


HorseTV will be covering the 2009 HITS Ocala Winter CircuitHorseTV has announced that an agreement had been reached with the Saugerties, NY-based HITS (Horse Shows in the Sun) organization for nose-to-tail broadcast coverage of the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit, February 3rd through March 15th.

On February 3, 2009, HorseTV Live, the live broadcast component of the television portal, will make equestrian industry history by providing simultaneous coverage of six active rings of competition for the entire six weeks of the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit, including the full roster of Grand Prix events.

HorseTV’s chairman, Bernard Uechtritz, stated, “The  Horse TV Live component of the  multi-faceted online television portal now in development is one of the cornerstones of what will be the most revolutionary media platform to date to embrace and lead the equestrian sector. However, for all intents and purposes, this first broadcast under the HorseTV brand is really just a continuation of the building blocks already in place for our soft launch, as the company prepares for the unveiling of the fully interactive portal later this year. You’ll be seeing a constant stream of announcements as we move towards that moment.”

Jon Cromer, now director of the Hunter/Jumper division of HorseTV Live, and formerly the head of Productions East, a well-known provider of video services to some of the top shows on the east coast, will produce and direct the six-week long coverage.

In addition to providing the six-week long broadcast to jumping enthusiasts worldwide, HorseTV Live will also be making available individual competitor DVDs of the performances of every horse and rider during the competition, which can be ordered on the show grounds or online after the circuit is over.

Starting February 3rd, viewers can access the broadcast by going to, clicking on HorseTV Live, and selecting the “HITS 2009 Ocala Winter Circuit” from the schedule.

Read past news about HITS Ocala.


  1. I would have susbscribed for the entire series had I known it was available, as would have many others I am sure, had we had notice. Please include my e-mail address to any outgoing updates regarding this and any other hunter/jumper shows you will broadcast.


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