Craig Cameron creates Extreme Cowboy Assocation


Extreme Cowboy AssociationTelevision’s “Ride Smart” clinician and “Extreme Cowboy Race” creator Craig Cameron has introduced the Extreme Cowboy Association (EXCA).  Created by Cameron after many requests to expand the popular horse activity, the association is now up and running and is offering individual memberships and club affiliations.  EXCA will promote a nationwide network of local events where points are kept and tracked in their region by the EXCA. Contestants then compete at year-end state and regional competitions where they will earn points to qualify for national and world finals. 
An Extreme Cowboy Association event challenges both horse and rider to maneuver through a series of obstacles designed to emulate what cowboys and ranchers do on the ranch: water crossing, dragging logs, ground tying, trailer loading, traversing rough terrain, shooting, and much more.   This new equine sport showcases speed with control and horsemanship.  Each Extreme Cowboy Race event is unique and different offering a wide variety of courses, obstacles, and terrain, depending on the course location.
To assure fairness to each rider, categories have been established for Pro and Non-Pro, as well as a Youth category for ages 12-17 and a Ride Smart category for riders 55 and over. A Young Guns category is also offered for children between the ages of 7 and 11. Participants may go anywhere in the country and compete with riders at the same skill level.
The EXCA requires Western clothing to keep the cowboy tradition and Western spirit alive. The Association is open to all grades and genders of horses, ponies, and mules.  Depending on the producer of the event, contestants compete for cash and/or prizes.
The Extreme Cowboy Association has created an official rulebook that states rules, regulations, and approved obstacles. Annual membership dues are $65.00 for individuals and $105 for a family. Lifetime memberships are offered $650.00 and include a custom EXCA belt buckle. Annual Club affiliation is $200.00 and one-day memberships are $30.
Members receive an official EXCA Competition Card that entitles them entry into the organized events and subscription to the monthly EXCA Newsletter, “The Brave Horse.”
Craig Cameron has achieved national recognition as one of America’s top horsemanship clinicians in addition to hosting his two award winning television series, “Ride Smart” and “Extreme Cowboy Race.”  Cameron is author of several books including the best selling “Ride Smart” book plus his own line of clothing and tack.  He was recently inducted into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame.
To learn about the Extreme Cowboy Association, visit /redirect.php?

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