A Time To Celebrate Farriers


Farrier's anvilRegardless of whether your horse is a prized jumper, speedy barrel racer or steadfast backyard companion, you know the importance of a farrier to its well being. Without a horseshoer’s work and input, investors might miss out on a Kentucky Derby competitor or you could lose your companion for a weekend trail ride. There is truth in the adage, “no hoof, no horse.”

The American Farriers Journal launched National Farriers Week 11 years ago to give horse owners, trainers, riders, grooms and others in the equine community a chance to say thanks for all of the terrific work farriers do throughout the year. From July 12 to 18, people in all facets of the equine industry are encouraged to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of farriers.

Not only do farriers perform normal shoeing and trimmings, but they also often find themselves serving as consultants to horse owners, answering questions and giving advice on everything from feed to barn conditions to veterinarian recommendations. They work in the elements of frigid winters and scorching summers. They sacrifice their bodies and health for the labor, all while trying to avoid the many dangerous situations the job brings. Good shoers are working diligently to improve their footcare knowledge through study and clinics — they strive to become better professionals.

Showing Your Thanks

If you have a farrier who deserves acknowledgment for his or her dedication and professionalism, you can download a recognition certificate at www.americanfarriers.com/ff/certif. Complete this form and give it to your shoer sometime during this July week.

In addition, here are a few ideas of how you (or with others from the barn) can show your farrier a token of appreciation:

  • A gift certificate to the local farrier supply store.
  • A voucher for a free wash or oil change for the farrier’s truck at a full-service car wash.
  • Take the horseshoer out for lunch or dinner.
  • Reward the shoer with a subscription or continuation of their subscription to American Farriers Journal.
  • A massage at a local spa.
  • Commit yourself to make sure the horse is ready in its stall before the farrier arrives.

Also, show your gratitude for your horseshoer by entering him or her into a drawing from American Farriers Journal. Include your farrier’s name, mailing address and a short paragraph describing why you are thankful for his or her work. E-mail your submission to jmcgovern@lesspub.com by June 25, 2009. Your farrier could win a collection of American Farriers Journal books or a subscription to the magazine.

The winners will be announced during National Farriers Week. The American Farriers Journal will also publish each statement of appreciation with your and the farrier’s names at this time.



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