Appaloosa National and Youth World Show Underway


Appaloosa horsesThe 62nd annual Appaloosa National and World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show is underway in Jackson, Mississippi at the Mississippi State Fairgrounds. Nearly 1,000 horses are expected to compete. Spectators are welcome to watch the show for free.

Classes offered run the gamut of the Appaloosa’s talent, from western pleasure, reining and cattle events to hunters, jumpers and even saddle seat. Some of the uniquely Appy classes held at the show include:

* Horse-against-horse speed classes. These include Camas Prairie stump race (barrel racing), Nez Perce stake race (pole bending), and rope race (similar to musical chairs). Instead of racing against the clock, as is done in other horse breeds, Appaloosas race head-to-head.

* Most colorful at halter. Here’s your chance to see a great variety of eye-grabbing Appaloosa coat-color patterns.

* Stick-horse rodeo. Part of the activities lineup for youth, the stick-horse rodeo will be held Monday, June 29 at 6.30 p.m.

* Challenged Rider Leadline. Set for Friday, July 3, this class is for special-needs riders mounted on horses controlled by attendants.

* Heritage. This is a costume class. Contestants display authentic apparel and trappings appropriate to early-day users of Appaloosas—native Americans, mountain men, etc.

Additional events held at the show include Appaloosa Horse Club and Appaloosa Youth Association general meetings, a youth speech contest, awards banquet, stall decorating contest, and of course exhibitor parties and socials.

The Cowboy Way Trading Post trade show will be open daily from 10am to 8pm daily throughout the show. Bargain hunters will be staying up late on Friday, June 26 for the Moonlight Madness sale at Cowboy Way. Entertainment will be provided by The Wild West Band during Friday’s sale.

Also on Friday, spectators are encouraged to bring a monetary donations or a new, unwrapped toy to the evening session of the show. Donations will go to the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children.

For more information, visit the Appaloosa Horse Club website at



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