Olympic Dressage Horse Mythilus Euthanized after Colic Surgery


Mythilus and Courtney King-Dye

Photo: Amy McCool/USEF Archives

It is with great sadness that the United States Equestrian Federation reports that former Olympic mount and dressage horse Mythilus was humanely euthanized Friday, October 9, as a result of complications discovered during a colic surgery.

The 15-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding was the former partner of Olympian Courtney King-Dye. In June 2008, King-Dye finished in third place at 2008 Olympic Dressage Trials with Mythilus, securing the pair’s trip to compete in Hong Kong.

“He began to colic yesterday afternoon, and he was taken to Fairfield Equine,” said King-Dye. “It was clear that surgery was inevitable. Dr. Rick Mitchell and his staff did everything they could. I feel blessed to have had Myth in my life. We went through many struggles and heartbreaks as well as many pinnacles and joyous times.”

“I consider this a personal loss, when you travel with a horse and become personally acquainted with them you get attached. This is a huge loss not to have him available for the U.S. dressage team,” said Dr. Rick Mitchell. “This was a serious colic. After observation and a rapid transport to the clinic, we discovered it was an inoperable abnormality. I want to assure people that because of the quick response to his colic, Mythilus did not suffer unduly.”

The horse, owned by John and Leslie Malone, will be buried at Bel Aire Farm in Millbrook, NY.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about this tragic event; hard to believe you have a healthy horse one moment and the next he is gone. Yes, it does make you cherish the moments to spend with our four-legged friends. Please know there are many of us who bleed for you. Warm regards.

  2. to loose any horse is tragic, to colic is so sudden we don’t have time to get ready. we all share the love of a national athlete and will mourn him with you.


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