Pumpkin Carving Instructions
- Once you’ve hollowed out your pumpkin, choose which design you’d like to use. Click on one of the images below to download the full-sized stencil.
- Print out the page, then tape or pin it to your pumpkin. Tip: If you pin the page to the pumpkin, put the pins on the edge of the image so you don’t end up with extra holes in your pumpkin.
- Use a pushpin to poke holes along the edge of the design so that when you remove the stencil, you will still have an outline visible on the face of the pumpkin. Poke the holes 1/4″ to 1/8″ apart. Make sure you get every detail of the image.
- Carve the small details first, then move on to the larger sections.
- To create a final result with multiple tones, carve the outer skin from the pumpkin, but leave just enough of the white flesh in tact to allow some light to pass through. This can be tricky to do, so carve carefully!
See how the horsey jack o’ lanterns turned out in The Near Side blog >>
Read about throwing a horsey Halloween party >>
These are neat Thank You
Awesome! ihorseclub.com also has stencils similar to these, were having a halloween party at my barn & Im gonna make one of each!
awesome!!! i have some carving to do
Thank You So Much! What a great Idea!I was actually looking for some horse stencils!
This is the 1st time that I have seen something like this and it is very cute. Thanks to whoever came out with it.
Awesome!! I’ve looked for horse stencils every year and I’ve never found anything this cute. Thanks!!
I remember these from last year. Still pretty cool.
i love these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they shouldve posted these earlier! i had to throw our barn halloween party yesterday! the rain didnt make it easy but we still had fun, but these wouldve helped!
These are great, but you can also get ones FREE from this website
These are really neat. I think there should be a place where we could upload photos of our jack-o-lanterns.
Cute ideas!!
I am going to check out the other web site.
Very cool!
I will be using these this year!! I really love the last one, it’s to funny.
Great ideas! Thanks!
Great ideas for a party. Thanks
Those are so cute!!
I love them all!
Fun again this year.
E-mailing these to myself from my tablet so i can print them off and use them as templates for some art projects
I just made the best horsey pumpkin:) It was the first one:) I personalized it to have my horses names and initials! It looks amazing!
I made one last year and it was super adorable!!! These are great!
just made my horsey jackolantern a couple days ago and it turned out AWESOME!!!
I did this last year, and it turn out OK, but not as good as the ones shown. I will have to get going on one or two this year. “Practice makes Perfect”
haha I like the one on the bottom right.
Look like fun.
I “messed” up, but it still turned out looking good.
i love this articale i needed to find a stencle because a can not carve a horse free hand i printed theese stencils out on my computer thay work great dfinitly going on this site again next year!!! thanks Horse Channel.com
i LOVE these stencials! i used one last year, and my entire family loved it! THANK YOU!! i am so going to do these this year!
great info
This is such an art. Simply beautiful!!
Neat, I am going to give it a try.
I did a simple horsehead design.
So cute!!
[…] Horses […]
[…] Horse Illustrated has six easy jack-o-lantern patterns that will show off your love of horses. […]