Horse Illustrated Newswire


Equine Welfare

NY Gov. Paterson wants carriage rides at Central Park banned unless horses are treated better
Gov. David Paterson, taking on the 150-year-old tradition of horse-drawn carriage rides in Manhattan’s Central Park, says the horses need to be treated better or the popular tourist rides should be banned. From The Los Angeles Times. Read more >>

Helping Haiti
On January 12, 2010, a calamitous magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, with its epicenter not far from the densely populated capital of Port-au-Prince. From Humane Society International. Read more >>

In Other News

Does the U.S. do a good job handling wild horses?: Yea or Neigh?
There’s been a lot of whinnying lately over the fate of wild horses in the U.S. From Scientific American. Read more >>

Local equine rescue group losing farm
The farm where Standardbred Retirement Foundation (SRF) has been housed for the past three years is being sold, and the rescue group currently has nowhere else to go. From The Examiner. Read more >>

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