Watch the American Miniature Horse Registry National Championship online


Mini horseThe world’s largest Miniature Horse show is underway right now at Expo Square in Tulsa, Okla. The American Miniature Horse Registry (AMHR) has held its national championship show in Tulsa for the past nine years, and this year there are expected to be approximately 1700 horses competing

Minis are not ridden in competition, but they will compete this week in halter, showmanship, pleasure and obstacle driving, jumping and obstacle classes.

The popular liberty class displays Minis moving freely to music selected by their owners to compliment each horse’s personality. In this class, the horses must demonstrate a trot and canter and are judged on their style, gaits and ease of being caught at the end.

The costume class is the only division at the national show in which exhibitors may ride their Minis. Entries are shown at a walk only and judged primarily on the originality of their costumes.

Awards will also be given for versatility and high point for youth and amateur exhibitors.

Admission to the show is free for spectators. For those unable to travel to Tulsa, the show can also be viewed online for free at

For more information on the show or the Miniature Horse breed, visit


  1. I greatly enjoyed watching the various events. After owning an Arabian gelding,I am planning on getting my first mini within the next year. The streaming came through great.


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