Eleven equine charities receive grants from USA Equestrian Trust


Field of HorsesIn its largest round of grant funding to date, USA Equestrian Trust has awarded nearly $240,000 to 11 equine non-profits that applied by the first of the foundation’s two 2012 application deadlines. The $239,780 in grants is an increase of 21 percent compared to 2011. That mirrored the continued dramatic jump in interest in the Trust’s grants program, which saw applications rise 38 percent.

The Trust’s leadership approved an expansion of the program earlier this year, offering a second grant application period for the first time in the foundation’s history. Equine non-profits have until October 8 to submit applications for consideration using the Trust’s easy online application form available at www.trusthorses.org.

Those projects awarded grants were as follows:

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF EQUINE PRACTITIONERS FOUNDATION, INC. ($10,000) was awarded funding for its Laminitis Research Project that unites veterinarians and horse owners in a collaborative effort to uncover new information about causes, prevention and treatment of the crippling disease.

AMERICAN DRIVING SOCIETY, INC. ($45,000) was awarded funding to assist in an effort to upgrade an equine facility in Illinois that has been donated to a local governmental body. The goal is to restore and preserve the more than 600 acres and allow it to again play host to events including local, national and international eventing, dressage and combined driving.

AMERICAN MORGAN HORSE ASSOCIATION ($27,235) was awarded funding for its youth equitation medal classes and “Youth of the Year” programs.

AMERICAN SADDLEBRED HORSE ASSOCIATION ($27,000) was awarded funding to help redesign its database of registered Saddlebreds, members, competitions and show results, as well as upgrade its website.

CANTER OF PENNSYLVANIA ($1,500) was awarded funding to offer three $500 educational scholarships for United States Pony Club riders who are residents of Pennsylvania and compete with retired Thoroughbreds. The organization’s goal is to further develop the skills of riders and their off-track Thoroughbreds through the assistance of professional trainers and other educational opportunities.

CONSERVATION TRUST FOR FLORIDA, INC. ($8,000) applied for funding to host a one-day workshop for attorneys, appraisers and accountants on land conservation options and conservation easements. The organization’s goal is protecting horse farms and the horse farm lifestyle for future generations by educating landowners about conservation methods and by assisting them in protecting their land.

MORRIS ANIMAL FOUNDATION ($10,000) was awarded funding for research into equine herpesvirus, a devastating disease that can cause abortions and severe neurological diseases.

NEW YORK HORSE PARK, INC. ($50,000) sought funds to develop a master plan to build the expansive New York Horse Park in Saratoga Springs.

SACRAMENTO HUNTER JUMPER ASSOCIATION ($5,000) was awarded funding to offer a free training clinic to its members, who are entry-level exhibitors and low-budget owners.

UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION’S EQUINE HEALTH RESEARCH FUND ($46,190) was awarded funding for research into orthopedic diseases and recurrent airway obstruction.

UNITED STATES PONY CLUB, INC. ($9,855) has proposed creating a traveling display that will serve as an interactive, educational experience for children. The goal is to generate interest in horses and ponies and to drive more visitors to the Kentucky Horse Park and its Kids Barn.

To find out more about USA Equestrian Trust and its programs, or to apply for the next round of grants, visit the Trust’s website at www.trusthorses.org.

About USA Equestrian Trust
USA Equestrian Trust is a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation whose mission is to assist in preserving and/or enhancing the quality of equestrian sport in the United States of America. Its objects and purposes are exclusively charitable, educational, and dedicated to the fostering of equestrian sports.


  1. I am sure all these groups are deserving of the funds, but it would have been nice to see the money go, real charities which do “on hand” work and really need funding for what really matters to the horses, hay, feed, vet work, farrier and training.

  2. congratulations on those recieving fund but also agree with PKL real charities to help with those that really need it like small groups who don’t have influences in high places and really do good for their communities


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