New Year’s Resolutions for Horse Lovers


Today, thousands of people are resolving to lose weight, exercise more, quit a bad habit for good, and manage their finances better. These are all noble goals, but horse people have different resolutions as they look into the new year.

We asked our Horse Illustrated Facebook fans to tell us about their equestrian New Year’s resolutions. Do they plan to ride more? Will they learn a new discipline? Is this the year they finally get back in the saddle after some time away? A few of our favorite answers are below. To add your own horse-related resolution, visit and leave your goals there, or click “Submit a Comment” below and share your thoughts right here.

In November, I moved my 24-year-old horse down to college with me, so in 2013 I resolve to ride more, keep Red healthy and spend more time at the barn!
–Alexis B.

I resolve to get through [my horse’s] ulcer issues and I will get to ride both my horses and be confident that they aren’t in pain!
–Susan L.

I am determined to start riding both my mares in elementary dressage. They are both older and not able to jump anymore, and I have always wanted to relearn the correct way to ride.
–Patricia S.

I definitely want to spend more time ON my horse in 2013! And I hope my little niece gets to spend more time on her pony as well.
–Jamie M.

[I resolve] to get back in the saddle.
–Todd S.

I am planning to start my colt this year, and then show him in the Holiday Classic a year from now.
–Corinne B.

I plan on doing a repeat of last year: Ride, ride, ride. But this year, I want to learn more about riding gaited horses. I want to gain more knowledge, plus have fun! Also, I am going to participate in a despooking class. Sounds like a great year to me!
–Anita S.

Feathers and I are going to learn mounted shooting, and Blondie will celebrate her 31st birthday!
–Diane M.


  1. These last two years have been very hard on our family, health wise, and this year i hope to spend more time riding instead of just feeding.

  2. My goal for 2013 is to Adopt my first Mustang (and it will be my first horse, too!) and compete in the up coming Mustang Million event and win big! I can hardly wait till May! And my other goal is to be a better rider and ride MORE!!!

  3. My personal goal is to finish training my OTTB’s to be exactly where they need to be in training, regardless of time and temperature…starting in spring!

  4. I’m so anxious to ride again!!! Last May I had to have major back surgery. Not due to riding or a horse accident. I’ve had problems for years, but come this next May I will be able to ride again. It’s 5 months away, I look at it as 5 months on the down side I passed the 1/2 year mark. I’m hoping time will fly.


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