Celebrate the Appaloosa: Design the next Trail of Painted Ponies figurine


Edited Press Release

The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) has announced its partnership with The Trail of Painted Ponies in celebration of the ApHC’s 75th Anniversary. Artists and non-artists alike are encouraged to submit designs that embody the “Celebrating the Beauty and History of the Appaloosa Horse” theme for possible production into a Trail of Painted Ponies figurine.

Designs will be accepted from March 1 to May 1, 2013. Prizes will be awarded in two categories: 1) Breed and 2) Native Heritage. The first place design in each category will be awarded a $500 cash prize. Second place will be awarded a $250 cash prize, and third will receive merchandise from The Trail of Painted Ponies and the ApHC. Submissions will not be returned.

Artists may select from five copyrighted and registered Painted Ponies forms on which to submit their design. There is no submission fee, and artists may submit multiple designs. Judging will be based on beauty, skill, creativity and originality, along with the concept and story of the design. The artist’s thoughts or story behind the design must be included.

The top designs received before April 1, 2013 will be featured on the facebook pages of Trail of Painted Ponies and Appaloosa Horse Club.

“The Trail of Painted Ponies is proud to partner with the Appaloosa Horse Club to create this exciting new art competition which celebrates the beauty and history of the Appaloosa horse and the 75th anniversary of ApHC,” said Rod Barker, founder, The Trail of Painted Ponies. “This art competition will raise invaluable awareness of the great work of the Appaloosa Horse Club, while searching for the best new artistic talent in America. The winning Painted Pony from this competition may have the honor of being crafted as a collectible figurine from The Trail of Painted Ponies.”

Additional details are available at The Trail of Painted Ponies website: www.paintedponies.com and the Appaloosa Horse Club website: www.appaloosa.com.


  1. Think of all the great color combitnations that the Appaloosa horse brings to the horse world. I will have to check out the web site.


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