“Horse Appreciation Days” officially declared from April 1-7 in Delaware


Mares and Foals
Horse lovers in the state of Delaware have reason to celebrate this week. On Saturday, Governor Jack Markell declared April 1-7 as Horse Appreciation Days. The week-long celebration of the horse culminates with the Delaware Horse Expo at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington.

“Delaware has a strong and vibrant equine industry, which provides thousands of jobs from veterinarians to trainers,” said Gov. Markell. “Events like the Delaware Horse Expo help introduce even more people, especially young people, to a lifelong passion for horses, and I am pleased to help recognize this growing sector of our agricultural economy.”

The equine industry contributes an estimated $360 million to Delaware’s economy.

Statement in Observance of Delaware Horse Appreciation Days:

Whereas, the State of Delaware has a long and proud tradition of a strong equine industry, from the horses our forefathers rode during Colonial times to the horses who race at our three racetracks today; and

Whereas, there are an estimated 2,000 equine operations in Delaware, including breeding farms, training facilities, riding schools, and trail riding;

Whereas, equine operations excluding racetracks comprise approximately 12,000 acres, making for a significant part of our land use kept in open space and forestland; and

Whereas, horses are the source of jobs for thousands of Delawareans, both directly and indirectly, including through veterinarians, feed and bedding, equipment, grooming and tack supplies and more; and

Whereas, the Delaware Equine Council helps promote and educate the public about the importance of horses in the First State, including providing scholarships to young people advancing their education in agriculture of equine studies; and

Whereas, because of the significant benefits that the equine industry has brought to Delaware agriculture and our quality of life,

Now, Therefore, We, Jack A. Markell, Governor,
and Matthew Denn, Lieutenant Governor,
do hereby declare April 1-7, 2013
in the State of Delaware, and encourage all citizens to recognize and appreciate the benefits and long tradition of the equine industry in Delaware.

The Delaware Horse Expo takes place April 6 and 7 and will feature several popular clinicians, including:

  • Craig Cameron, Horsemanship and Extreme Cowboy Race
  • Steuart Pittman Jr., retraining retired racehorses
  • David Davis: Horsemanship, trick training and cowboy dressage
  • Kirsten Willey: Trick Riding and vaulting

Other demos include the Delaware State Police Mounted Patrol Unit, parade of breeds, cowboy circuit, gambler’s choice jumper exhibition and cowboy mounted shooting.

More information is available at www.dehorseexpo.com.


  1. “Way to Go”!! Delware. Thank you Governor Markell!! I hope other states will follow suit, and perhaps we (horse people) can make the county aware of the terrible state of the horse industry, and what it means to everyone, specially the horses and ponies.


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