Horse Lover’s Math aims to get young girls excited about math and science


Horse Lovers
While math problems on their own might lead to glassy-eyed stares from many young students (and adults), the horse world is full of everyday mathematics. A new website out of Canada,, aims to get more students—particularly girls—in 4th through 6th grade interested in math and science by highlighting their use in horse-world situations. By harnessing children’s inherent interest in horses, the site aims to engage them in mathematical thinking that comes naturally.

Historically, girls have been less likely to pursue higher education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (collectively known as STEM) than boys. While that gap has shrunk considerably in recent years, most math and physical science fields are still disproportionately male. Meanwhile, girls tend to outperform their male counterparts in academic achievement in reading. However, STEM fields occupy the lion’s share of the most lucrative and innovative career paths, and encouraging both girls and boys to pursue those disciplines has become a national priority.

The questions used on Horse Lover’s Math aren’t just typical generic word problems reframed in an equine setting. They use current news and research from the horse world to offer users information about horses as well as practice in math and science. Current featured questions use research about how much weight horses can safely carry, results from the National Junior High Finals Rodeo and statistics about the Kentucky Derby. Real-world examples of math in horsekeeping settings include calculating strides when walking a jumper course and measuring a horse’s vital signs.

The site offers three levels of questions to accommodate different grade levels and abilities. Students are encouraged to try all of the problems, even those that seem beyond their current level. The answer key explains how to calculate each answer so that students learn the process. Spiral-bound workbooks are planned for publication beginning in early 2014.

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  1. Hopefully “all” girls will look into this program. I am glad to see horses come to the aid of math problems…..I know horses can count, mine know who got 3 carrots and they got 2.

  2. Now why didn’t someone come up with this when I was in 4th-6th grade?! It would’ve made math a whole lot more interesting!

  3. I’m not sure what to think. In a way this is a good idea: it gets kids interested in math. However, in a bad way, it teaches kids, girls in particular, that a career is more rewarding than raising a family. It teaches girls that they need to have a successful career in math and science areas and focus more on the career. As for boys being better at math and science than girls, that’s the way most boys are wired. They are wired to be problem solvers. A lot of girls on the other hand are better at reading than guys are-maybe this is because we woman are designed to be homemakers and work at home-in other words girls are able to read recipes and cook. Maybe both genders are equal-guys are not better than girls…and girls are not better than boys. The two genders are meant to complement each other.


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