New award for Thoroughbreds recognizes success off the track


Edited Press Release

The Jockey Club Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T.I.P.), which encourages the retraining of Thoroughbreds into other disciplines upon completion of careers in racing or breeding, is offering a Performance Award pilot program for the second half of 2013.

“The original goal of T.I.P. was to offer awards and prizes for Thoroughbreds at specific horse shows,” said Kristin Leshney, legal associate for The Jockey Club and the administrator of T.I.P. “This new program enables us to recognize the Thoroughbred accumulating the most points at all horse shows in each of the award categories and divisions throughout the year.”

A ribbon and prize will be given to the champion in each category and a ribbon will be given to the champion in each division. The Performance Awards will be tabulated for horse shows that are held between July 1, 2013 and November 30, 2013.

Performance Award results are submitted by owners and riders. Horse shows do not have to offer T.I.P. awards to be included in the Performance Award program. In order to participate in the Performance Award program, owners and riders must obtain a T.I.P. number for their Thoroughbred.

“The responses we’ve received from horse shows, Thoroughbred owners, and through our Facebook page has been tremendous,” said Dell Hancock, a Thoroughbred owner and advisor to the T.I.P. program. “We hope this program further enhances Thoroughbred participation at horse shows and encourages more people to retrain Thoroughbreds for second careers.”

Applications for T.I.P. awards at horse shows during the 2014 show season will be accepted from August 1, 2013, through September 30, 2013. The T.I.P. application will be available at T.I.P. sponsorships are available for myriad disciplines, including eventing, dressage, hunters, jumpers and western and English pleasure.

For more information on the Performance Awards and T.I.P. shows, please visit Those interested in T.I.P. can follow the program at

Further Reading
Off-the-track Thoroughbred Resources
Thoroughbred Incentive Program encourages riders to compete with ex-racers


  1. Yes!! thoroughbreds need to be recognized as good mounts for three-day eventing, dressage, show jumping and much more! they were built not just for the track! i’m a thoroughbred lover so i tend to use them for such things

  2. Good news! I know quite a few OTTB that are great at other types of riding, one of them being a prospect for FEI dressage. TBs are great in many disciplines and shouldn’t be limited to just racing-they deserve a second chance after racing retirement.


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