Photo Gallery: Happy National I Love Horses Day!


Did you know that July 15 is National I Love Horses Day? Neither did we until just recently. We’re not sure what the origin of this day is, or what its exact purpose is, but why pass up an excuse to profess our love of horses to the world?

We put out a call on our Facebook page, asking you to share photos with us to show why you love horses. And you responded! We received hundreds of replies within a few hours. We’ve selected a handful of images to share here on HorseChannel, but be sure to check out the Facebook page to see more great images.

Thanks for participating, everyone, and Happy I Love Horses Day!

I Love Horses
Donna Henderson Brock
My daughter and I with our three beautiful boys: Dusty my paint pony; Chance my Tennessee Walking Horse; and Murphee my Saddlebred, the horse my daughter shows.

I Love Horses
JoAnne Howington
My big boy, Boog, watching his herd. Could there be a handsomer boy around?

I Love Horses
Elka Sterling
My 7-year-old Belgian Warmblood mare has been out for the last eight weeks with a serious tendon lesion. If there’s anything I’ve been reminded of it’s that she’s much more than just my teammate in riding but also my irreplaceable best friend.

I Love Horses
Shaina Grace
Me and my boy George. Love him.

I Love Horses
Sheila Trout Sager
Me and my six-week-old rescue filly, Cruiz.

I Love Horses
Magen Gray
My American Quarter Horse, Jet, with one of his students. He loves to show them off very proudly.

I Love Horses
Tara Smith
Me and my boy Jack

I Love Horses
Melodie McGlamory
Lark and I are showing our support for a certain race horse!

I Love Horses
Lisa White
My retired American Quarter Horse, Mocha. She took care of me for 15 good years of riding. Now it’s my turn to take care of her.

I Love Horses
Karen Edwards
I started taking riding lessons a year and a half ago at the age of 56. I was terrified and vowed I would never trot. Well, this week I cantered almost a full circle and only holding on with one hand!! This is Emmy, a sweet Haflinger school horse I get to borrow twice a week. Love her!!

I Love Horses
Lisa Washington
He never complains that I tack him up in pink. 🙂

I Love Horses
Alex Ciccarelli
My weanling and I! I rescued her at an auction where she would have gone to slaughter, and she is the sweetest, smartest, most willing baby I’ve worked with. I can catch and lead her, load her, pick up her feet, and rub ALL over her when a month ago she was completely untouched and unhandled

I Love Horses
Janice Harris Ralls
Rowdy loving Randy

I Love Horses
Mark Griffith
My girl Addie!!

I Love Horses
Traci Alton
I’ve known this beautiful mare since she was a few months old finally was able to buy her a couple of years ago. She is my therapist and my buddy. She is the reason I work two jobs and go without new shoes and getting my hair done for months at a time. She is my sunshine.

I Love Horses
Sharon Hancock
I love doing rescue work, and helping the nurse mare foals and other orphaned foals is what I think I do best! Here I’m feeding Baby Doll, whose mother was not able to produce milk because of her own depleted condition. Baby Doll thrives now and has been adopted to a new loving home!

I Love Horses
Jeannette Parrett
I love knowing that Coconut enjoys what we do together.

I Love Horses
Myranda Grace Elliott
My 5-year-old Rocky Mountain stallion, Raising the Bar

I Love Horses
Melina Rosander
This is Litli Skjóni fra Borgartúni. He’s an Icelandic horse and loves when you show him affection and love. He’ll give it back instantly.

I Love Horses
Marissa O’Leary
Salem and Junior, owned by a friend. Such sweet, chill guys. I’ve only met them twice but I adore them both. Junior has been a star both times I’ve ridden him.

I Love Horses
Rossy Morillo
Because they make friends no matter their difference

I Love Horses
Jordan Palmer
My best friend and me during our shared lesson

I Love Horses
Sidney LeJeune Jr
Asher and his pony Ping.



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