Forget the Contestants; Huey the Horse Steals Show on ‘The Bachelor’



If you caught Monday’s season premiere of ABC’s “The Bachelor,” then you may have noticed the four-legged cutie that appeared on the show. Contestant Maegan, a cowgirl from Texas, brought her horse Huey along to meet bachelor Ben Higgins so that he could get a feel for what it’d be like to date her.

For his part, Ben seemed OK with Huey; it was a little harder to get a read on Huey. He may still be sizing Ben up. It looks like he’ll have at least a little more time to do so since Ben gave Maegan a rose.

Hmm, did Huey get one too?

Huey stole lots of hearts on the season premiere of “The Bachelor.” Photo via bachelorabc/Instagram

There has been some debate on whether or not Huey is a Mini with many equine-inclined viewers believing he appears to be too tall for the 38″ height maximum for Minis. After watching the video, what do you think?



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