Hero Veterinarian Rescues Mini Horses from Flood

Dr. Lowell Rogers sedated
the mini before transporting him out of the flooded area. Screengrab via WDAM

Three miniature horses were stuck in treacherous flood waters this past weekend. The National Guard had arrived on the scene, but deemed it too dangerous to stay. Others, however, were far less concerned with safety and more concerned about the horses.

Lowell Rogers, DVM, a veterinarian at Pine Belt Veterinary Hospital in Hattiesburg, Miss., was one such person. He joined other volunteers in the effort to rescue the minis and putting himself in danger in the process.

WLOX.com – The News for South Mississippi

“We weren’t leaving without the horses being in safety,” Kelly O’Neal Creel of the Humane Society told WDAM. “It was deadly water. He literally risked his life to save that animal.”

In fact, Rogers almost drowned. Fortunately, the Hattiesburg Swift Water Rescue team helped him. “The current got too swift for him but we had our rescue team downstream to pick him up,” Hattiesburg Fire Captain Matt Saucier told WDAM.

His efforts, however, were not in vain. Two miniature horses were saved that day and are currently doing much better in their pastures.



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