Unbridled Showcases the Power of Horses to Heal


In the film Unbridled, 16-year-old Sarah Miller has a traumatic past that has destroyed her trust in other people. It’s not until she meets Dreamer, a horse with a similarly rough history, that she begins to see a path to healing.

Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Haven’t we seen this movie before?

There are plenty of films out there that highlight horses’ and humans’ abilities to heal one another, but Unbridled promises to be a bit different.

The story is inspired by a real place: CORRAL Riding in Cary, North Carolina. CORRAL works with girls who have experienced abuse or other trauma in their lives, pairing them up with rescued horses.

The girls learn the sport of horseback riding as well as receiving academic assistance, vocational training and mentorships. At the same time, they work with horses who have similar pasts of abuse and neglect. Using principles of natural horsemanship, the girls learn to develop their own confidence and strength while helping the horses learn to trust humans.

Some of the students at CORRAL are victims of human trafficking, a serious and widespread crime that many Americans don’t realize exists on home soil. Unbridled doesn’t shy away from this serious topic; the main character, Sarah, is a victim of sex trafficking at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend. Having lost all trust in people, it’s only the power of a horse that can help set her free.

A portion of the proceeds from Unbridled will go to benefit CORRAL to continue their mission of helping girls and horses who have been victims of abuse to heal, together.

Filming is completed for Unbridled and a Kickstarter campaign is underway to help complete post-production and promote and distribute the finished product. Find out more, including how you can help, on Unbridled’s Kickstarter page.


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