Equestrian Helmet Bill Moves Forward in Florida

HB 305 will require children under 16 to wear helmets in Florida

A bill (HB 305) that would require children under 16 to wear a safety helmet in Florida while riding a horse on public trails and roads passed the state’s House of Representatives on April 30. While Senate passage is still needed to make the bill law, the parents of Nicole Hornstein look forward to the day all young equestrians wear helmets. Their daughter, Nicole, a 12-year-old from Palm Beach County, Fla., died in 2006 after being thrown from a horse she was riding. She hit her head on pavement and was in a coma for 20 days before she died. She was not wearing a helmet. HB 305 is named after her.

Bill sponsor Representative Shelley Vana says there are hundreds of head and brain injuries each year as a result of horseback riding and she hopes the bill raises the awareness of parents about that fact.

Under the proposed legislation, any person who allowed a child to ride a horse without a helmet would be fined $500. Some Florida cities including Davie, Parkland and Plantation already have laws that require minors to wear helmets when riding.


  1. well i live in florida and always wear a helmet. as foolish as it is to ride without one i don’t think people,even minors should be forced

  2. I support this bill in full. Children should not be given the option as to whether they wear a helmet or not. they should always have one on.

  3. I think it is a wonderful thing! My daughter wears a helmet and was in a pony accident that I believe the helmet saved her life. I think it showed be required at all shows also. My daughter is the only child that wears a helmet at our local barrel racing show and I think that is just terrible. I am all for the law!

  4. I am all for helmets! I however am “not” for it to be a “Law”!

    In my own opinion, I believe that it should be the parent’s “”resposibility”” to have their child wear a helmet. After all, it’s the parent that is the person giving permission for the child to ride.
    I have a rule that my child abides by……
    No Helmet – No Horse – No excuses!
    But there you go…..
    That’s “my opinion & my choice”, for myself & my child.
    Helmets are a Fantastic Rule…..but “”Not a Law””!

  5. I am all for helmets! I however am “not” for it to be a “Law”!
    In my own opinion, I believe that it should be the parent’s “”responsibility”” to have their child wear a helmet. After all, it’s the parent that is the person giving permission for the child to ride.
    I have a rule that my child abides by……
    No Helmet – No Horse – No excuses!
    But there you go…..
    That’s “my opinion & my choice”, for myself & my child.
    Helmets are a Fantastic Rule…..but “”Not a Law””!
    Sorry for the double comment post…..I make a spelling mistake that I needed to correct.


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