HI Spy: What Would be Included in Your Dream Barn?


What would your dream barn look like?Give a horse person some extra cash and chances are they’re going to spend it on their horse.  If only that imaginary extra cash was lying around when it came time to build horse housing! It can be surprisingly expensive to erect a spacious barn full of luxurious amenities. To keep costs down, horse owners compromise and cut out the decorative touches, the user-friendly automated features and the posh creature comforts that are now available in contemporary barn designs. Nonetheless, whether you keep your horse at home or board at a nearby stable, you probably have an idealized vision of how you’d like your horse to live.

Which barn features or amenities would you love to have? Would an automated fly control system make your horse’s life much more pleasant? What about overhead misters or a large fan to keep him cool during the heat of summer? Or are your desires more along the lines of aesthetic accoutrements?

“The first time I visited Spruce Meadows in Canada I thought I was at a horsey Disneyland,” recalls Evie Smith. She was reflecting on her initial visit to the international show jumping festival in Calgary, Alberta. “Outside the main barn there was a life-sized sculpture of a mare and foal. Then I walked into the indoor training barn. The temperature was climate controlled. The stalls were made of polished wood and black wrought iron. Besides everything being immaculate, there was beautiful overhead lighting and a real sense of incredible attention to detail.”

Regardless if you long for chandeliers above your breeze way aisle, an indoor wash rack complete with hot and cold running water or simply a roof above your pipe corral, we’d like to know. What are one or two items you’d love to have if you were able to design your own dream barn? Click on Submit a Comment below and share your ideas. Some of your wishes will be included in an upcoming issue of Horse Illustrated.

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Cindy Hale
Cindy Hale’s life with horses has been filled with variety. As a child she rode western and learned to barrel race. Then she worked as a groom for a show...


  1. I would love to have stalls with a run out pasture so that I could just open the door and let my pony chose if she would like to be outside or inside.

  2. Automatic waterers, indoor arena, wash stall w/hot & cold H20, heated feed/tack room, and a video system at ring, stall and aisle mats and I would be ecstatic.

  3. Overhead misters and a fan that would keep my horses AND ME cool during the worst part of summer. That would be really nice!

  4. A barn is no fun to have if your best friends-the horses of course!-aren’t in there.
    But having some bigger than normal boxstalls, automated watering, automated fly spray system, and ANY forms of air-conditioning/heating would be a major plus!

  5. My dream barn would have a large indoor arena, a washroon, big box stalls, and plenty of pretty horses and Maybel of course!!

  6. Oh, where to begin! Air conditioning and heating would be nice, along with big stalls, an immaculate and roomy tack room, automated watering, a well lit breezeway, and magohony walls with wrought iron trim. And a view of mountains or a lake would be nice.

  7. I would model my barn after my trainer’s just because I love him and he is the best. He has a small indoor ring with a large pile of sawdust in the middle. An asile with stalls on one side and arena on the other there are more stalls in the back as well as a wash rack two outdoor round pens and a little pasture. He also has another barn There is tack in the back of the first barn. The doors are sliding with hooks on them to hang halters, lead ropes, lunge lines, wraps, and blankets. There is a hanging compartment for grooming equipment on the arena wall there is a bin with boots and wraps and boots are stored on the arena gate. There are a few tie stalls in the front with tack and just about anything saddles also sit on the wall and in the aisle. There are two bridle racks on the sliding doors which hold tons of bridles. Something like that would be awesome.

  8. Everything be self cleaning including the stalls and tack room, heating and air conditioning, indoor riding arenas with heating and air conditioning, misters, and everything else to make it easy-er and more comfortable (including 115 degree days 🙁 ).

  9. heating, automatic waterers, beautiful wood and iron 16×24 stalls filled with fluffy wood shavings, the list could go on and on. my dream barn would also include huge green pastures, white fencing, trails, and of course a mountain view.

  10. In a dream barn, there would be people…and nice horses that were always groomed and loved! Another outdoor ring would be nice too. I would love to have a mini donkey for the foals to play with!!?

  11. My dream barn would be an all-natural stable, with huge fields filled with mountains and rocks, a small brick stable, and lots of trails! I would also like to have an outdoor arena and an indoor arena, but more importantly- a huge field for horses and riders to gallop bareback across! Of course, it may never happen, but I’ll still dream upon a stable!

  12. My Barn would be equiped with a drainage system in each stall that would drain into a septic system. Underneath the center isle there would be several tanks for water storage from the roof that could be used to water the horses during a water shortage or water the plants and used for the barn bathrooms. There would be integrated photovalatic roof tiles for lighting.
    The barn would be equiped with automatic fly control system, automatic misters, automatic waterers and several room fans for moving the air around. the roof would be insulated to keep the barn cooler.
    One stall would be equiped with heat lamps.
    The outside runs would be covered.
    The washrack would be equipped with a drain, hot and cold water and a boom on the roof to get all sides of the horse without the bother of a hose on the floor.
    The barn would be connected with a covered walkway to the covered 70 ft round pen and connected to the indoor arena.

  13. My dream barn would be “horse heaven”. The pastures would have nicely maintained fencing. The barn would have fancy stalls with brass nameplates and horse-proof latches on the stall doors. The tack room would have all kinds of expensive tack, like Western saddles that had genuine silver and sparkly jewels. There would also be a special area for mares and their foals. There would be safe and fun items for the foals to play with. My dream barn would have so much stuff, it would fill up a large book if I wrote EVERYTHING!

  14. On my farm, I would have two barns. One for rescue horses, one for my show minis and riding horses. My rescue barn would have ten box stalls, three tie-up stalls, and two wash stalls. There would also be a special feed room (apart from the feed room in the second barn) that would have all the special feed and supplements for the rescued horses. It would probably have an outdoor enclosure closeby. My second barn would have ten mini horse stalls and eight full-size horse stalls, along with a tack room and a mare-and-foal stall. The tack room would have both English and Western saddles for my full-size horses, maybe even a saddleseat saddle, and a harness or two for my minis. (My carts would be out in the equipment shed.) I’d also have three tack trunks in my stall for feed and expensive saddles. The rescue barn would be a pole barn, but the other one would be made out of wood, with wood shavings for bedding and fans in every stall. The horses would spend most of their time in the pasture and come in at night and when the weather gets bad. There’s more, oh so much more, but if I put all that in it would take the computer forever to load!!

  15. I would love to have an automatic fly spray system to the aisles and stalls are always clean of those pests!! I would also love a nice big outdoor and indoor arena and a small cross-country course as well!

  16. I dont have a barn right now. but my main thing i want in any barn are atleast 4 stalls ( i have three horses, so an extra for company coming over), tack room, wash stall and a place to put some hay for the week. That’s all I want. I know i’ll never be able to dream bigger than that so that’s my dream!

  17. My dream barn would have a shower stall with hot/cold water and a misting system over the stalls for those hot days.

  18. Personaly I would love nothing more than to have a covered arena big enough for our drill team to practice in. That way there would be no “off” season. I have been with the team for 14 years and the summers in Fl make it really hard to practice with out a rain cancellation:(

  19. A covered arena, 15 by 15 stalls, automatic fly control-I could think of a few things! Horse people (with money) could daydream up a thousand things to improve thier horse’s barns!

  20. I love training horses, especially starting Mustangs, so a nice 60 foot round pen would be a must. And if my horses were to be stall kept (which my horses in real life are not) then they would need a large turnout attached to their stalls. Any arena would be better than my current non-extant arena, but an indoor area would just be tops!

  21. Oh goodness…. I’d have a fly control system, extra large stalls, a large tack room with tons of organization, a large round pen, a covered arena…. did you say what I would do if I had any amount of money? Oh yeah, and….lol

  22. An open air riding arena with automatic sprinklers,paddocks attached to every stall and the list goes on and on……………………

  23. Oh there are so many things but I’d have to say a tack room/lounge that is air conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter. No more frozen toes!

  24. I have stumbled across the perfect barn…It has everything. Air conditioning, heating, automatic EVERYTHING, a cross country schooling course, access to endless trails and pristine pastures. There is a lounge upstairs and two gorgeous arenas. Best of all, I get to ride there free as long as I muck out once and a while, and train some of the horses. The only thing that I would add to that dream barn would be a horse I could call my own. Unfortunately my imminent transition to college, across the country, won’t let me own a horse.

  25. I’d like an indoor ring with seats where clinicsor demonstrations could be held. If hot or warm water was offered at the wash racks would be nice for my horse, too. If there was wood boards between the pipes in the pipe stalls. It would be nice to have in/outside stalls.

  26. My dream barn would definitely be air conditioned and heated. I would love to have an indoor riding area so that I still ride when it’s raining or freezing outside. Also, I think a lounge area in the tack room would be a nice touch. 🙂

  27. An indoor wash rack with hot and cold water. Paving bricks in the 12’center aisle. 14X14 stalls. A covered arena and a covered round pen. Paddocks 14X22 attached to each stall with 7-9 foot of the paddocks covered. A seperate feed room and tack room with a deep sink in the feed room and a refrigerator in both rooms. A grooming area for the farrier. A room that incorporates a washer(front load for doing blankets), dryer, and a washroom/restroom. Oh, and heat lamps in the wash rack for winter baths. I could go on and on but I doubt as there is room.

  28. i am only 12 and have dreamed up my drem barn and made it in to a power point so i will not forget….. ok sooo STALLS: 12×12, with soft stall and personal fan for the horses in each stall. it would be disinfected with safe stall spray every month. and have a salt lick, automatic waterer, swing out feed door, mounded hay rack. PASTURES: 10, 1 acer privet padocks for some boarders,stallions,mean horses,old horse, or mare and foal. 3, 15 acer pastures 1 for school horses,1 for pasture board horses, and 1 for other rugulare board horses. ARENAS: 2 large indoor arenas with lots of jumps, great lighting, with pro stride fotting, and good ventalation. and a viewing area.EXTRAS: seperate feed and tack room with lits of oraganization!!!!! and bot heated. a heated lounge with a frige, stove, oven, washer and dryer, pop michen, snack michen. and so much more i can not think about now…. ooh and schooling shows and an office for me!!!!!! i can not wait. and grooming stalls and a wash stall with hot-cold stuff!!!!!!!!!

  29. I would love to have a bigger tack room with a sink that has warm water for cleaning tack. My horse would also appreciate an air conditioning system and an indoor ring for when it rains.

  30. My dream barn would have a huge outdoor dressage arena and a hunter course, both with bleachers. Inside there would be another arena with long mirrors mounted on every wall with a heating and cooling, loudspeaker and radio systems. There would be an office with a flat screen TV, a few couches, and my desk with a computer and printer, with a huge glass awards case mounted on the wall! My barn would also have a bathroom (I’m tired of using the porta-potty!).

  31. My dream barn would be a white Morton building with 6-15 stalls with dutch doors. Everything would be color coded (i.e. buckets, grooming tools)I’d have cross ties every 3 stalls with saddle racks and hooks. I’d also have a humugerous tack room, with lots of saddle and bridal racks, and shelves for grooming stuff, wait can’t forget a freezer full of carrots!!! : ) I would have a round pen, and 1 indoor arena, plus 2 outdoor arenas and two miles of horse trails in the woods. Pastures would be 1 acre and there would be 4 or 5 of them. At this barn I would just have my 1-2 horses and the rest would be boarders.

  32. Wow, where to start! My dream barn would consist of 12 stalls, all polished wood with black iron. The stalls all have silver plated name tags for the horses. There would be an indoor washrack at the end of the barn with hot and cold water. There would be a large tack room and a large feed room. The best thing about it would be the huge indoor arena that is air conditioned for summer!

  33. My dream barn would consist of a heated and air conditioned indoor arena, and an outdoor arena, nice viewing area with a kitchen looking to the outdoor and indoor arena, big stalls with automatic waterers, and either trails behind the barn or a big field to ride. This is pretty much the description of the barn I ride at except for a few of the details.

  34. First my dream barn would have to have climate control with an adjacent indoor riding area, also with climate control, it would have clean floors (that is a dream) wooden stall doors and good lighting. There would also be alarge tack room with microwave fidge and a couch to realx on after a hard ride

  35. my dream barn is huge it has 12-15 Stalls polished wood with black iron 1 indoor wash rack (Hot & Cold) 3 outdoor wash racks BIG tack room seperated from the BIG feed room lots of pastures
    1 indoor riding ring (air conditioning for the summer) with mirrors on one side of the wall and 1 outdoor riding ring and 1 round pen there would be a small cross country course about 1 mile long i would have an office with a desk, computer, a shelf for all my ribbons and trophies, with a TV, and anything else i need to put in there

  36. I am asking Santa for a heated wash rack complete with cold and hot water. Perfect for keeping the herd clean but sooo much more useful. Rinsing off really dirty blankets, cold hosing swollen legs or even a warm place for the vet to work in our extremely cold Canadian winters, all essential thing to have in my oppinion. It also is helpful to have a safe place to put a sweaty horse to dry off in the winter. A very useful place indeed.

  37. I would love to have running water in my barn.Hauling buckets of water on a hot Florida day is pure misery.Electric rat traps would be nice too.

  38. I would love to have an air condisiond barn with an indoor hay room to keep it from molding!!! also quiet fands on every stall door and an indoor wash rack with hot and cold water!!!

  39. I think my dream barn would have floors that where heated when I turned on the heat button and cold when I turned on the cold button. The stalls would also be self-cleaning, and the manure would be used as compost to make the grass green.

  40. Climate control… hot and cold running water in the wash stall… an air-conditioned indoor arena… dehumidified throughout, so leather tack and hay stop molding… oh-and not to forget: self-cleaning stalls, PLEASE!!

  41. First I would love my dream barn to have 15 horse stalls, with all going into two seperit horse pastures. I would love to have one large Jumping Indoor Arena, 2 outside (Jumping and normal size) arena’s. There would be 4 different pastures, including the 2 connected to the stalls. Making the 6 horse pastures. Which all will contain a large run in shed with a large amount of forests. I will have a large tall shed, for all of my square bales. My barn will have a 2 horse stall sized tack room, office, feed room. Their in the corner after all the stalls will be a Wash stall, bedding area and 4-wheeler area. My barn would be painted Bright red, with white lining.

  42. I would have a large tack room that smells of leather(what else?),and a wash stall that is well lighted and has a shelve on which the grooming supplies go. There would be 17 stalls all of the horses would be Barbs, Andalusians, Mustangs, and Quarter Horses there would be a German Shepherd gaurding them, there would be a drive in area for the goose neck trailer and pickup there would be an indoor arena 1 outdoor and a few pastures and the list goes on and on and on:)LOL

  43. I would love to have any barn at all! I would love 4-5 acres outside of Green Bay with enough room to put in a small horse barn for my current horse and the one that I am going to add someday. It doesn’t have to be big and I will keep it as clean as a whistle I just need to one thing first, enough money to buy the land to put up the barn.

  44. I would have a large barn that could fit many horses. I would want at least 50 acres for trail riding and a cross country. There would be mainly Thoroughbreds and some other breeds. I would consider a riding school or a rescue place. A huge tackroom and stalls fit for Draft horses. A feedroom and many pastures for the horses.

  45. I would love to have an big beautiful, old-fashioned red barn with spacious stalls made of polished pine and black wrought iron and led outside to a huge, gorgeous rolling grren pasture with magnificent old trees to shade my horses. In front ofthe barn, it would be awesome to have a breathtaking life-size statue of wild horse. Most important in my fantasy barn fantasy though is good horses to fill up the barn and love.

  46. Ahh my dream barn. My dream barn would be a very simple barn. just enough stalls, a nice big indoor arena, with gates at every end. it would be watered and raked frequently. i would have a nice matted wash rack with warm water, and wash and dryer for blanket cleaning. i would have a big hay loft, and doors so that i could drop hay from up there into my stalls. i would make sure that i had a toilet, and a sink. i would have a tack room, possibly heated to keep warm in winter. Pastures that stay green all year round, and acres upon acres of fenceline. its kinda a big dream, but hey, why not dream, it could come true. :]

  47. Windows, lots of windows to let the suns light through during the day then when its dark you can drive by & see this barn with this warm glow from its lights. I would also have open windows so when I walk up I would see my horses heads peeking out at me. Automatic waterers, with trackers to show me how much my horses are drinking, a shaded indoor arena full of jumps & all sorts of cool obstacles. A major tack room with lockers & any thing a horse owner would want or need. Including a mini kitchen. A big hayloft overlooking everything that you can sit on top of on those hot summer days. Green green pastures with white fences. An amazing outdoor arena outback, & a round pen. Heated wash racks, ones inside & out. & a really nice bathroom & lounge area. Maybe even a concession stand. Maybe even those mirrors that when you look at them theyre mirrors, but also windows, & a screening area for people to watch whats happening in the arena with a fireplace & a tv, & bathroom inside, like a living room with a table & kitchen & stuff. Air conditioning & lots of fans & fire safe heaters. Beautiful gated stalls & lots of them with spots where horses can poke thier heads out. Theyre would be an organized office with pictures on the walls. Grooming/tack up areas, & a big everything tractor that does everything, & a manure/compost pile outback. Flies would be gone, hardly any at all, & there would be exttras of everything stocked into storage areas. Picnic tables & chairs on a concrete area by the indoor arena & lots of snack machines & maybe even another kitchen. There would be no dust, but the barn wouldnt be spotless because then it wouldnt be a barn. No grooms that tack up your horses though, but stablehands maybe to help clean up, possibly, im not sure. Barn dogs & cats obviously, & outdoor sheds for the horses in the pastures. There would be lockers so no more big tack boxes crowding the aisles. Pretty much the barn I ride at now with a big upgrade. If it was a small barn at my house, minimize everything & make it only one kitchen, no mirrors/windows or screening rooms, no grooms, & no concession stand. More stuff for a small group of people (less than 10) & not for boarders. The possibilities are endless! Oh, did I mention the piles of horsey magazines & catalogs everywhere?

  48. A horse shower station with hot/cold water and a shampoo/conditioner dispenser on the wall! I would also love to have a foaling stall with all the high end amenities – heat lamps, video feed, etc.

  49. u89-+I have my own horse barn and though I love it and it is sufficient for basic needs, there is a few things I would love to add. I would love to add an indoor wash stall with warm and cool water, especially on those cold day workouts when it is below freezing and my horses are drenched in sweat. The other item I would definitely add to my barn would be an overhead automated insect sprayer. I have one mare in particular that can’t stand flies and other buzzing critters. She will even throw herself into the wall and buck and rear in her stall if we are at a barn that needs to improve their bug control.

  50. Barns rule! If I could deck out my barn in everything I wanted, there wouldn’t be enough room! But the best things are probably huge stalls, a shower station for the horses, and automatic waterers!

  51. A barn with large airy stalls with lots of natural light from windows and doors. I would love an automatic waterer to avoid dragging those long hoses all over the barn. An indoor wash stall for those “bad weather” days so a bath is still available.

  52. I would have UK style stalls with a courtyard filled with flowers-inside wold a equine library filled with horse magazines and books on every subject. The horses stalls would be big and airy and have speakers for classical music-OH!!-and can’t forget the rope swing!!

  53. I would like every stall looking like a pagoda, horse photos everywhere, and Pegasus statues everywhere, fans and sliding windows for horses, and silent all terrain vehicle for towing hay, and for serving the horses? Who to drive it? A horse butler of course!

  54. I would own a large barn in Virginia with air conditioning, auto fly spray squirters, auto water feeders, a large tack room, a wash rack with heated and cooled water, a mouse proof hay room, cross ties, and people to muck out stalls! 🙂

  55. I would have a large barn, with many stalls with runouts. I would have large, green pastures for the horses to graze. No auto fly sprayers or people to muck the stalls out for me. Mucking and fly spraying are fun things to do! If you do not like to do it, then you are not a real horse lover. Horse lovers love the responsibilities that come along with the horse. I would rather clean stalls than my own room, do you? Maybe I would need some help to get all the stalls clean but only because there would be so many. I would feed all the horses, including water (maybe an automatic water tank). I want my house to above the barn. It would be almost like horse heaven!

  56. I’d like to have the barn climate controlled. That’s the most important to me. You could exercise your horse during summer and not over heat either of you and in winter you wouldn’t freeze! I’d like to have auto waterers in each of the stalls too with a turn out on each stall. And good lighting, maybe clear roof pannels. So you’d have day light too.

  57. A covered ring would be the first thing I would want. Another would be good lighting in the barn. And a COVERED grooming area:)

  58. A nice barn in Hendersonville that is more lavish & beautiful than my house. Chandeliers hanging from celings of oak, with stalls that were oak as well. Sliding stall doors, bucket holders, & lots of straw that only needed to be mucked once per week would be my stall features. I would have stalls in the front of the barn for my hunter-style American Quarter Horses & stalls in the back for some Lusitanios & Percherons.
    A hot/cold water wash bay is a must as well as a few non-plumbed bays for the farrier or vet to work comfortably. I’d also have a shower and dressing room for the boarders (& me).
    The tackroom would have 1 wall for dressage tack, another wall stadium jumping tack, & the other 2 for the boarder’s tack.
    I’d have 2 arenas; 1 for dressage (w/letters that have been laser cut from rustproof steel) & another with weatherproof jumps for stadium jumping.
    Oh me, if I put all of my other dream amenities, I would have to write a book! 😉

  59. I love the barn i have. It is a loafing style, which i prefer and the horses have free choice to come in and out. Because it is loafing style that means I’m not mucking out individual stalls daily, It is cleaned with the tractor.
    I would want an indoor arena, 80×120 at least. I want automatic water troughs in the barn instead of hooking up the hoses like i presently do. A large heated tack room, and a walk-through into the indoor.

  60. I would love in my ‘dream’ barn a live-in/sleep-in area above the stalls where I could be if necessary to keep watch on my horse(s). I would love big cooler fans & larger than average stalls. Hosepipes that automatically self-reel at the touch of a button would be amazing as I detest rolling them back in but hate seeing them so untidy!
    But having a barn would be a dream anyway!!

  61. what i would love is 12 x 14 stalls for all horses. also i would love to have fans in every stall. also a 200x 150 arena. and emaculit jumps so that no horse will ever get scared of beautifuly designed jumps at the shows we can just go ahead and train them to go over them while at our own facility. also i would have a fairly large heated/cooled viewing area for everyone to relax and eat.

  62. First i would buy a bunch of land and then build a barn right in the back of the house on the land. There would only be a few stalls for my horses, and a few otheres. Then a really high tech office (work and not have to leave the barn) and a really organized tack room. turnouts would be on every stall and every stall would have a automatic water dispencer. and then in the back of that a huge indoor arena, then a bunch of trails, and outdoor arena o and a place to store hay and grains and all that…. PERFECT! horse heaven!

  63. I would love a bigger tack room. Also to finish power and water down at the barn. We live in the woods and are barn is in the pines so I need some more lights for nights. Also I’d like an covered arena and some Bar-bar waterers for the barn and pastures. I wouldn’t change location due to it being very quiet. I just would like some horsey neighbors to ride with. Also someone to fix my fences in the fields and help maintain pastures.

  64. All the stalls would have a turnout option, because horses in stalls get resp. problems quickly. I would have a cooling and heating system that would be run by the sun’s energy. I would have an office, a large tack room, automatic watering that was self cleaning, 2 wash areas with warm water and drying options,a turnout area at the end of the barn for all the horses to gather and socialize while grazing.

  65. my farm would have an endoor arena,a hay loft,and an office that was built up not on the ground so that you could watch people ride,there would be 10 stalls so rosie “my horse” could invite friends over.every stall would have rubber mats and its own private pasture with half doors so even if its raining they can get fresh air,my farm would have a bathroom, and a shower stall for the horses, and a huge tack room the barn would be on lots of land and there would be lots of trails to ride on!

  66. I would love to have a huge indoor arena in the barn. i would want everything to match and be beautiful, have climate control, and something to keep the flies away from my horse

  67. Lots of stalls!!! and more horses. An indoor arena. The kitchen sink and stove ( to bake cakes). I would like to have kids birthday parties in my barn so throw in a party area. Lets not forget the wash-bay to make the horses look their best. And a good seating area, for all on-lookers, for the many equine activities I’d have in my dream barn.

  68. My dream barn would have a huge indoor arena. Also 15 horse stalls for all of the horses we hope to have. It would have 4 wash stalls, a viewing room of the arena, and a western tack room and an english tack room.

  69. Although lots of things like big indoor and outdoor arenas, automatics fly sprayers, and lots of washracks would certainly be nice, as long as my horse is near me I’m pretty much happy.

  70. id want a barn for 20 to 50 horses, a wash rak cold amd hot water indoor riding arena 30 goat stalls a place for rabbits. a large tack feed room and a place to groom all animals and lites! ane my house ontop of the barn or connected to it!!!

  71. Above all, I would love to have a barn and indoor ring that are heated in the winter! I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and it can get really, really cold in the dead of winter! It was so cold this past winter that, one day, I discovered frost on my saddle! I even asked for long underwear for Christmas!

  72. Well, the 2 extras I would love to have in my barn would have to be a indoor and air conditioned clay riding ring! Along with a club house to relax in and have some horsey fun!

  73. My dream barn?
    Rose gardens and bronze horse statues lining the driveway, leading up to the stables.
    On the left would be a massive outdoor jumping arena, complete with stadium seating. To the left of it would be miles and miles of bush trails. The stables would house 18 horses, with each stall being 18 square metres.
    There would be a tack / supply / equipment room at the end, and a feed room in the middle.
    Outside, at the end would be a *neat, tidy* muck pile, and a wheel barrow / pitchfork bay.
    To the right of the muck pile would be a wash – bay with overhead showers and adjustable temperature.
    Behind the stables would be a 3km cross country track, with jumps, water, banks, logs and ditches. Behind the jumping arena would be a 20 x 60 metre indoor dressage ring, with overhead seating.
    Behind the arenas and stable, to the left of the cross country track would be three pastures – a 9 acre one, and two 3 acre paddocks.
    All indoor facilities would have air conditioning / heating.

  74. in my idea horse barn i would have a fan because it gets hot in the south in the summer and maybe an automatic waterer for the individual horses,

  75. My dream barn would have an automatic pooper scooper. No more mucking! It would also have automatic feed buckets that you could preset the thing for a certain feed time.

  76. My dream barn would have at least 20 stalls and it would be air-conditioned and heated. It would also have an(air condition and heated) indoor riding arena. I would have stable hands (just to muck out the stalls).

  77. My dream barn would have a heater to help ease the chill of the New England winters. I would have a treat dispenser that could never run out, in an assortment of flavors of coarse. Most importantly I would need a bed in my horses stall, no one likes to be alone!

  78. My Dream barn would have everything needed for the horse and rider as well as areas for spectators to interact and sit during grooming, riding, events. I have been to so may barns that really have no place for the spectator to safely sit and communicate with the riders.

  79. My dream barn would have a long hallway with the stalls down the sides. It would also have a seprate room just for feed and another for tack and other supplies.

  80. My dream barn would have a long wide hallway with stalls on each side, with a tack room, feed room, and office. Also in the hall on one side in the middle, there would be a very short hall leading to a big indoor arena! Outside it would be all kindsa land and pastures and trails. That would be great!

  81. My dream barn would have long wide hallways with new looking stalls on both sides. There would be a heated and air-conditioned indoor arena. On the sides there would be a room where you can safley watch the other riders. There would be a tack room, grain room and a grooming room. They would big enough to fit everyones stuff in it. Outside there would be a pasture and a big patch of green grass for people to take there horses out and eat. Then there would be a fresh water pond. The trails would be great too.

  82. My dream barn would have wide hallways.the stalls would be big and open.there would be a tack room an office and indoor areana that would be heated and cooled depending on the tempurature outside.

  83. I love the way that my barn is now but i would want hay net in all of my 200 stalls. because it gets boring for the horses and ponys just sitting there in the stall and a hay net both keeps the stablee hands from picking up any hay along with the manure and keeps them occupied. I would also want at least one small barn seperat for mini horses,mules,and donkeys.

  84. My dream barn would have a nice big 12′ aisle way, 4 12’x12′ stalls with a fan for each horse, 1 12’x12′ wash stall, and one 12’x12′ tack room with climate control. Oh and the wash stall would have hot and cold running water. The great thing is that were building it. Oh and a 200’x 100′ arena which we also have. I love having a private barn you can do what you want when you want and how you want as long as its safe of course.

  85. My dream barn would have at least 4 stalls,and an indoor areana that was climate controlled. It would have a tack room, feed room and seperate storage room/tool room and it would also have a stall for the dogs and cats. In my dreams it would also have an underground tornado shelter that was big enough for the horses!! I would want a sleeping loft that was above the stalls so I could sleep up there and keep an eye on a pregnant mare!Or just camp out whenever I felt like it! It would also have a seperate big run in areana where
    I could feed the horses during bad weather and not worry about mud!
    I really miss having a barn for the horses, I would rather have a nice barn than a fancy house! Oh and I like the comment about having a dream man!! That would be tops!

  86. My dream barn would be a 6 stall barn with a small sand turnout from every stall. Plenty of aisle room, a heated tack room, feed room, heated wash stall and a storage room. I would have an indoor and 2 big outdoor rings with perfect footing. I would have 30 acres available to graze and ride on as well.

  87. What would I want in my dream barn? oh, that’s easy.
    Sure, heaters, air conditioning, and automatic waterers would be nice, but all I really need in my dream barn is the animals I love- Horses.
    The rest is nice, but not a must.
    So remember, when you think about your dream barn that it isn’t about the barn, it’s about what’s in it. Because if you have a barn with all the fancy stuff, but without a horse, what’s the use of having a barn? And also remember that the gentle nicker,the soft muzzle, and your beautiful horse is what really counts.

  88. My dream barn would have arenas that are big enough to do just about anything in it. I would have 2 indoors and 2 outdoors. The stalls would have saddle racks, bridle and halter holders, a lead rope clip,a groom box, and cross ties. My barn would also have numerois trails to go on. It would have the greenest pastures ever, and to top it off the best horses and ponies ever

  89. My dream stable…sorry, I got lost in a daydream! But to describe that daydream of mine, it would have numerous trails and rolling green pastures, a nearby lake, and a covered, AC arena, another outdoor dressage arena, a large round pen, and a lunging pen. Two large srables with elegant crossties and fans, automatic water dispensers, and automatic fly spray machines! Oops, I think I just described my own stable that I ride at now! Well, it is an awesome stable!

  90. When I have the money to build and own my dream equine facility, it will be just right to suit my needs. Not too big or too small. Horses and owners will enjoy being there and be in a relaxed and soothing enviornment. Everything you or your horse or pony would need would be right at your fingertips.

  91. I would have an indoor and outdoor arena stalls pasture alfalfa hay great food minerals salt nonstop water a sitting/watching room and just fofill the want for my dream barn

  92. My barn would have an installed heater and conditioner. I would have the biggest stalls and paddocks for all of my horses and a large indoor and outdoor arena for all competitions. I will only get the best for my horses.

  93. My barn would be big with two 12 foot isles, with ten stalls all 12×12 on either side and in the middle there would be eight 12×12 stalls back to back with a isle way connecting the two sides and two separate wash racks (one for each side) and then four more stalls also back to back. The flooring throughout the barn would be red paving blocks and each stall would be equipped with rubber mats, automatic water basins, and a small 2×3 foot door for feeding. The barn would be heated for the winter and would connect to a nice size indoor arena.

  94. My dream barn would have 30 big stalls, two tack rooms and a large indoor arena. A bathroom and a viewing room for the indoor arena would also be includid. On the 150 acres there would be many different trails and a cross country course as well as 2 outdoor arenas and a dressage arena. All the pastures would have a run-in for the rainy days.

  95. My barn would have 20 BIG stalls, a spacious tack room, indoor and outdoor arenas and automatic water dishes. The barn would be surrounded with big, green pastures and trails through the woods. Almost forgot! The drive-say would be lined with dog-wood trees.

  96. well okay so my dream barn would have automatic horse waterers and a radio system so i could put it on christian music on when i ride and to have big stalls and for it just to be beautiful and a gorgeous red color and bright white lineing on the slideing doors. I want a big barn with at least 300 stalls and people would rent it out only for shows and thats it i guess some boarders and of course my horses. automatic heat and airconditioning i would have good sized wood shavings for there stalls so it wouldnt get to dusty in there stalls and i want alot of windows and up to 500 acres and lots of flat land and some wooded areas for trails. and i would have sement walls in the stalls but with a rubber covering for it s if the horses tend to kick the stall walls then it will protect there hooves. and there would be a hay feeder that we can easely get to and the stall door with have like a dip in it so the horses can stick there heads out of there stalls the bottom of the stalls will have a mattress fooring covered by a redesigned single peice stall mat for tough but forgiving footing then a well draining to drain the the waist out. I would have a huge barrel racing arena because i love to barrel race with honey my palamino quarter horse.

  97. My must have would be a latch that automaticlly locks so that my horse Hope would stop escaping into the barn aisle. She is quite independent, so a walk out door ( that was lockable, of course) into the paddock would rock for both my horse and her social-butterfly side. The other great thing would be awesome is an automatic waterer and a built in haynet, so at night when she couldn’t migrate into the pasture by jumping the 4 foot fence in the paddock, she could nibble.
    The last thing I would love is a large indoor cross tie so I can give my 16 hand tennesse walker a bath after rolling all over the three acre pasture, wich tends to be green enough to give her grass stains!

  98. This is something I have thought about a lot. And my ideas always change. But I do know the main features that I would definatly include. First thing, I would have 3 or 4 10×10 stalls, cement walls(easy to clean)and stained wooden stall fronts with iron bars painted green. I would also love to have a well sealed tack room to keep out mice and spiders. Heating and air is a must during extreme weather and electric sockets for a small refrigerator and microwave for first aid and drinks of course. My tack room would be wood paneled and decorated with horse stuff.
    I would have a small feed room, also sealed to keep out mice and spiders, with enough room to store a few months supply of grain.
    A large wash bay with shelves to hold shampoos and ointments. Warm and cold water on the side, and a drain.
    An area for shaving and hay, and a wall to hold pitch forks and shovels.
    I have not decided on the color of my barn, either red and white, or green and white. Definitely a hitching post and small cement area for a bench in the front. Flowers surrounding the barn, and large luscious green pastures.

  99. In my dream barn i would like to have a hose that drops down in each stall with a pull string on the outside of the stall right near the hose so then when i pull the string the water goes in the water bucket. I would also like a new nice barn made out of nice wood and not scrap pieces i would like a fan for each stall and i would like a ton of large wheel barrows. i would also like to get some tractors for moving the poop and dragging an indoor ring.

  100. My Dream Barn would have all the fancy touches like, automatic waterers,a wash stall with hot and cold water, and a tack room with lots of racks to keep orginized. It would have an indoor arena and big roomy stalls for all the horses I could ever want. It would also have a bathroom, i hate using the porta-john!

  101. My dream barn would have the basics, like wash rack, tack room, hay loft, and feed room, but I would also have my barn connected to my house, indoor arena, and covered round pen. This would make rainy days no problem. I would also have portable pannels, so I could set up anything I needed to. It would be surrounded by lush green pastures and trails through the surrounding woods. Pretty much perfect for training horses for anything.

  102. automatic waterers, hay racks, olympic size light indoor and outdoor arenas, hot/cold water wash stall, crossties, stalls with dutch doors, a lounge, an office, a tack room and huge feilds.

  103. There are many features I would like to include in my “dream barn”, but my all time favorite idea is having the barn attached to my house. Wyoming winter and winds can be beyond brutal-and I would love nothing more than to check on the WHOLE family in my slippers on a cold, blustery night!

  104. My dream barn would be connected to my room. There would be one stall that would actually be in my room. The rest I’d have to walk through a door to get to. There would be one round pen and two rings, one indoor, and one outdoor. All the stalls would be be open so horses could see out. I’d have a special wash room that could fit two horses. Some stalls would have an open door to a small paddock.

  105. My dream barn would be surrounded by trails and big fields. The barn would have huge stalls (about the size of three regular stalls) an indoor and outdoor arena and show grounds near by.

  106. My dream barn would be a CASTLE not a barn! It would have aisles and aisles of heated stalls, mounds of good, fresh hay, and tons of HORSES! The pastures would stretch on for forever and have no dangerous pot holes and be away from any highways or roads. The paddocks and trails would be simple or intricate and surrounded by fields of blossoming flowers. You could ride any horse you wanted for as long as possible!

  107. All I would ever realistically want is a) heated water buckets and b) automatic waterers. Unrealistically, I would want a stable in a warm climate…not in a place where 2 ft of snow is normal XD

  108. My dream barn would have a room in it for hanging out. Who says it’s weird to want to do paperwork while absorbing the smells of horse?

  109. Lets see…DEFINATLY a horse. I’d have a show horse for me to jump with. A few rescued horses. Mostly geldings. I’ve always wanted to raise/train a foal, so I’d keep a stallion and a mare. My tack room would consist of all the necessities:saddles, bridles, boots, polos, girths, saddle pads, ect. However in the winter, I’d try to keep the bridles inside to keep them warm, that is if I don’t get a heater. My horses would have hay nets availible, along with toys, and they could go outside or inside whenever, except at night. In my barn, there’d be a few wash stalls (I don’t like cross ties) I’d only have workers to help me when i’m not there, I’d do most of the grooming and feeding, but I also want to be a vet. I can’t wait!

  110. Oh there would be a few things… Mats in the stalls, fans above the stalls, an easy access hay loft, hot and cold running water, industrial wash and dryer for all those muddy dusty washable bits and pieces, a good lighting system, Heated tack room, Climate controlled feed room, fly control, a nice scum free wash rack, automatic waterers. That’s just a few things I can think of right now.

  111. – huge cedar box stalls
    – endless bins of carrots =)
    – Hunge, immaculate tack and feed rooms
    – 6 large washstalls w/ hot/cold water
    – 18 paddocks
    – It has to be close to Bevals Saddlery =)
    – Includes 6 warmbloods
    – Indoor jumping arena/ outdoor jumping arena
    – Lungeing ring
    – Well kept flower beds (haha)
    – The best hay and feed
    – The best, luxurious bedding
    – It can’t be one of those “sterile” barns where everything is spotless. Throw in some aussie shepherds, corgies, jack russels and cats.
    – Everything has brass nameplates (stalls, halters, martingales, tack, feedbins, grooming supplies, etc.)
    – And a lot more

  112. I would love to have what every equestrian would: A large indoor arena attached. Along with nice stalls,along with a wash stall with heated water, concrete floors, the list could go on forever!

  113. Here goes:
    Large Cedar stalls,
    an Indoor Arena connected to the barn,
    20 acres with TRAILS!
    at least 5 different paddocks,
    pasture land,
    wash stalls each complete with their own hose,
    a very large tack room,
    fans in every stall including arena, tack room, etc.
    and a large outdoor arena equipped with jumps, poles, etc.

  114. a Huge barn that could hold many horses
    a arena that was attached and a barrel, jumping, derssage, and cow arenas outside.
    huge pastures
    60 acres of trails
    huge stalls and the list could go on forever
    but i would also like a statue of my first horse and my Qh together in the front of the barn for everyone to see in a bed of flowers!

  115. My dream barn would include a big, outdoor sand arena. It would have “show-ready” jumps. My barn would also have a club room and a heated tackroom for warming up in the winter. I think having a long driveway lined with birch trees would be a nice touch, too!

  116. My dream barnn would have a fridge filled to the top with horse treats and snacks I can share with my horses. It would also hold a lot of beet powder and Performance horse feed. It would have a very large tack room with all the types of saddles known to man (and equine!).

  117. i would love to have a indoor and outdoor arena and big enough for my own shows nice big roomy stalls and a lounge would be awesome and a of course many horses

  118. My dream barn would have an indoor and outdoor arena, spacious stalls and all of my horses would have their own stall. Electricity and fans! (our current barn doesn’t haveeither of these!) Also it would have seperate tack and feed rooms, a wash stall and it would be clean all the time!

  119. I’ve been bored in my study hall lately, so I started to draw blue prints for my barn (I love how it turned out, but I must admit, I doubt it will ever become a reality). My barn is a two-story: ground level for the horses, and a loft apartment with indoor, and outdoor stairs leading up to it. A grand total of 2,904 square feet of my dream barn! (1,452 sq ft per floor)

  120. My Dream barn? Well…not only would it contain all the amenities a horse would desire, it would the be the most efficient, eco-friendly barn on the planet. In the stalls would be sturdy flooring materials with piezoelectric technology that harnesses the energy of the horse and human.?

  121. My dream barn is any barn. A glossy barm with huge pastures dotted with Warmbloods, TB’s, and Fresians. A huge tackroom filled with tack shiny as the horses coats. Or a crummy 2 stall barn with a corral, tiny tack shed, tiny feed room in one of the stalls, a pasture the size of my back yard, and a tiny old stubborn pony. As long as the warm hearts of horses acompany me, I’m okay with it.

  122. It would include Star, a 15.2hh bay Paint Horse gelding with 3 white socks and a lopsided spoon down his face. I dont care where it is or who runs it, if Star’s there and he’s happy and 100% healthy, it’s all good and I’m happy 😉

  123. My dream barn would be attached to my house! That way I wouldn’t have to go out in the cold in the winter! It would have huge stalls and a large loft.

  124. My barn would be immaculate. Beautiful lush green pastures with automatic waterers and run in sheds. The barn would have 7 stalls with padded stalls, gorgeous wood paneling and a large aisle. There would be a shower area and a large tack room with enough compartments, hooks, closet space, etc for all my tack.

  125. I’m not a flashy or fancy person that likes to show off, so I would simply be happy with any barn, AS LONG AS that barn had my absolute best friend in the world, my gelding, Rising Star. Without him, even if there was 50 other horses in the barn, It could not be my dream barn.


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