HI Spy: Who is your equestrian hero?


    Beezie MaddenIf you were lucky enough to grow up on a horse farm or in an equestrian family, you may have been inspired by your parents or older siblings.

    If you started riding at a lesson barn, maybe it was your instructor or the resident trainer who served as a role model. Perhaps another student at the barn was influential.

    On the other hand, maybe you found your equestrian role model on TV or in the pages of magazines. Did the Lone Ranger inspire you to seek out your own Silver to gallop across the range, or did watching Beezie Madden (or perhaps William Steinkraus, depending on your age) bring home the Gold motivate you to pursue your own Olympic dreams?

    While riding can be a solitary sport, most equestrians find inspiration from others at some point in their career. Whether your hero was a famous international rider, the talented backyard trainer next door or a fictional character from your favorite novel, we want to hear about them. Tell us about the person who has inspired you in your riding career.

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    1. My hero is Eric Lamaze. Yes, he did have some drug problems. But he got them figured out and now he has an amazing record. Also, he won the gold medal on the best horse of all time!

    2. My equestrian hero is my sister. She had cancer when she was 7. Even though she was sick she began showing in 4-H. About a year later she made a full recovery from her cancer. Then she won a Paint Horse World Championship on her horse Brush Wood Fire (Skipper).

    3. Dominique Barbier is a fantastic role model! He really knows how to flow with the horses and can show you success without the use of words 🙂 Just by speaking with him, you know he really cares about making you and your horse be the best you can be!

    4. My equestrian hero is Beezie Madden, because she grew up not being able to go to shows and take lots of lessons, but she still grew up to be an Olympice medalist, and my dream is to compete in the olympics.

    5. My equestrian hero is my trainer. I admire her for the way she rides and treats horses. She’s been riding her entire life and it shows. She can stick on any horse like glue. I have never seen her misstreat a horse. She puts the horses first and knows how they think.

    6. My Equestrian Hero is Alyxandra Swanhall (her biography is The Champion Inside, if you don”t know her) I like it because she had some challenges in her life that most people can relate to. She is an excellent role model for everybody, because she never gave up!

    7. Stacy Westfall. She grew up on a small farm like me and didn’t have the best trained horse or a lot of money and look where she is now! Her being famous and so amazing lets me know that I can be a great rider too!

    8. Lis Hartel, not only was she the first women to get a medal in the Olympics for equestrian, but she was paralyzed below the knees. She also played a role in starting therapeutic riding schools. I first read about her while doing a project for school, and ever since then Iv been just amazed at what she accomplished in her lifetime.

    9. My hero(s)have to be everyone that are involved in horses. I have learned so much from everyone that has been working with horses; even just glancing at a person riding a horse in the arena or on the side of the road teaches you something. Little things like that add up.

    10. I would Have to say My hero is my Trainer. My Trainer is My best friend and my Hero. She has tought me everything from Ridding to owning your best friend. I can not say my Trainer has never stood beside me durring the hard time on our horse. She has always been there for me. I Love her so much and I hope to be like her when I am Old enough and exsperanced enough to train my own students!

    11. My horse hero is Clinton Anderson. He didn’t get the chance to really work with horses until he was 14, and yet he is now a professional trainer and horse shower. I just love watching him ride, along with Stacy Westfall. They both have proved one thing :You don’t hve to start out on a perfect horse as a five year old and have a pro trainer with you every step of the way, you just have to have a passion for the horses you are working with.

    12. I would have to say…I have 2. Karen O’Connor and Clinton Anderson. I want to go far with my riding and be a trainer. I want to reach it to my highest ability. It would be great to be able to ride in the olympics like Karen has but I don’t ride on Saturday which is my Sabbath. And I also want a relationship with my horse like Clinton does. They are both amazing riders and I push myself to try my best so I can achieve riding like they have.

    13. Without a doubt, McLain Ward. I have met him and followed his achievements, and he is so down to earth, a sweet guy, and a LEGEND!

    14. My mom is the epicenter of my equestrian heroes. She may not be a top rider or a high class trainer, but she supports my equestrian needs, and she guides me along the path of patience and love for my horse. She’s always there for me when it comes to horses-just like comic book heroes are there for their citizens!

    15. My horse hero is my cousin. She is awesome with horses and teaches me so much in just 1 day. She as also nice, loving, and VERY funny. She is the best.

    16. My horse back riding instructor is my equestrian hero. She is amazing with horses and always is there for me when I’m not having my day with my horse. She never hesitates to help me out and loves to share her knowledge with everyone that is interested.

    17. My riding instructor Lori is my hero. She was recently diagnosed with cancer, but she doesn’t give up. She still teaches lessons all day, every day because that is what she loves doing. I will always remember her motto: “Never, never, never give up!” I think that everyone could learn something from her, whether or not you’re a horse person.

    18. The horses I ride are my equestrian heros! Even though I don’t have a single horse to call my own, all my horsey friends inspire me and motivate me to be a better rider as well as a better person.

    19. my horse hero isnt any one famous or big… she has one two resverve world champion titles and one world champion title. Her name is emily doll, and she has helped me acomplish alot in the saddlebrd world and is still helping me along the way.

    20. My heros are numerous. I love Steffen Peters, Gina Miles, and Beezie Madden in the Olympic disciplines, but to me, my heros that keep me going everyday are the horses at my barn.

    21. My equestrian hero is Monty Roberts. This is because he sends such a good message to everyone through his training methods. He treats horses as they should be, and listens to and works with the horse instead of using force to reach the desired goal. His horse training methods have helped me many times with my own horses, and thanks to Monty Roberts, I have improved the relationship I share with my horse.

    22. My equestrian hero is probably Jane Savoie. I love her methods of positive thinking and even though they are targeted at dressage participants, I have been able to apply them to my Hunter/Jumper lifestyle.

    23. In continuation to my comment, my other heroes, even more than Jane Savoie, are my riding instructor, Judi Conger, and my sweet boy, Lone Star. 🙂 Love y’all both!

    24. My equestrian hero would be my mom. My mom was a horse fanatic…..from what i’ve heard! My mom actually had ovarian cancer when my sister, sam, was born. She beat the cancer, but then her liver started failing when I was two years old. She eventually gave up the fight and passed away on July 29, 1999. Even though she’s gone now, i’ll never forget about the horse crazy woman I call my mom! Thankfully, she passed on that love of the equine world to me! Thanks mom!!

    25. My hero only rode once and swore to never do so again. My great-grandpa rode just once on a barn-sour horse and that was enough for him. But, he was the one who took me to my riding lessons. He would stand at the rail and watch me ride around the arena, asking the instructor questions about different horsey stuff. He’s no longer with me physically, but I believe he’s still watching me ride.

    26. My riding hero would probably be Julie Krone. She was such an amazing jockey and she really showed that girls are as good as guys not in just horse racing but in everything. She was strong both mentally and physically strong in so many ways. Even though she retired she has came out and raced anyway. She truely showed what it means to love something and that you can do anything you put your mind too.

    27. My equestrian hero is my horse. My instructor and some great riders have served as role models but Worthy, my 17 year old 16 hand beautiful bay saddlebred is really someone I admire. First time I rode him he hadn’t been ridden in a year and reared up flipping over so I figured he was crazy. But out of all the horses, I don’t know why i picked him, but I did (and I think that was the best decision I’ve ever made). I’ve had him now for almost a year and he has helped me through gaining my confidence back after my first horse, Chase a rearing bucking mess and he helped me win something at my first show in a class out of 21 and hasn’t bucked reared or anything like that when I ride him. I love him and I know because he changed from a rearing horse stuck in a stall to a winning hunter equitation horse maybe I could change from the rider I am now at age 13 to something better when I’m grown up. 🙂

    28. for sure Stacey Westfall, there is something about being able to have that much trust in your that I just admire

    29. Everyone looks up to all the top Olympic riders & riders in the World Equestrian games, but right now the person I look up to in equestrian life is actually one of my friends from the barn. Shes one of those lucky girls who is naturally gifted & talented at riding & learned how to ride before she could walk with a barn & lots of land right in her backyard. This girl is only 15 years old & won first place in her first dressage show ever with top quality riders & adult trainers surrounding her making her the youngest (8 at the time) in the group, & she beat them all with flying colors, on a pony! She has continued to advance in her riding & has made it to nationals 2 years in a row & won reserve champion both times. She is a fantastic person & rider & I hope to one day ride as well as her & be as great of a person as she is.

    30. There are many people I would like to thank, but deep in my heart my epuestrian hero is the breed of horse I ride. Mustangs. To me, being one with the spirit of freedom and the wild is something beyond anything! You are on top of the world on a horse who can walk over anything and always jumps the smallest streams for the joy of it! I cannot tell you the intensidy in my heart to keep them safe and loved, wither in a barn or wild on the plains. Mustangs may be the ragged, dirty wild ones of the herd or the well groomed show horse, but no madder what they are spirited. Thanks Mustangs for giving me my horse spirit!

    31. My equine hero is Pat Parelli. what i love about him is that he believes in and inforces natural horsemenship. I read Pat’s advice and use it on my horse and when i use his advice i feel more connected with my horse. Because of Pat i use natural horsemenship with my horse every day.

    32. Alec, the boy in the Black Stallion books, is my hero! The story of him riding the Black and their deep connection is inspiring! I always wished I could ride a wild Stallion across an Arabian desert!

    33. Hi, I’m Sam, and I am 15 years old. My 5yo Quarter Horse Joey Joey recently went blind with Uveitis. I had no idea what I was going to do with him. Until this past week, when I heard about Valiant, the blind dressage horse. Even though where I live nobody does dressage, and I had never dreamed of doing it myself, Jeanette Sassoon and her stunning horse Valiant have inspired me. They are now my official heroes of the equine world.

    34. My equine hero is my mom’s best friend Kelly Payne. She has been with my family threw thick and thin ever since we moved to Michigan 7 years ago. When my mom got thrown and broke her back it was Kelly who let us stay at her house. Kelly is also a great instrutor. Trust me she can get on your nerves at times, but she is just trying to make me the great equestrian she knows I can be. Kelly can ride through almost anything. She has been thrown off by her 4 year old gelding, but she always gets right back on. She has always told me that if I ever fall of she will dust me off and put me right back on. Thanks to Kely I become a better rider every time I go out to the barn.

    35. My hero has to be good friend Gretchen. She is the awesomest coolest wonderful “horse whisperer” in the entire world.

    36. My equestrian idol and role model was Beezie Madden. I first saw her at the Syracuse Invitational and was completely blown away. She is an amazing rider with amazing horses and I can only hope to accomplish a fraction of what she has. Oh but before her, the saddle club girls were my inspiration 🙂

    37. My hero is a good freind of mine who showed the QH circut when she was younger(She was #3 in the country for a while) and now runs a theraputic riding center. Tina is an amazing eqestrian and I hope to be as good as her someday.

    38. My hero was my first trainer and the owner of the first barn i went to. She was an amazing lady. She faced scleroderma and lost her leg in the battle. She didn’t let that slow her down though. She still handled the horses, including the stallions, and had every horses respect even though she was in a wheelchair. She even rode her mare through it all. Though she lost the battle February a couple years ago, her tough lessons and strict rules are in all the students she taught. I will never forget her, she helped me become the equestrian I am today.

    39. My hero was my first trainer and the owner of the first barn i went to, Rita. She was an amazing lady. She faced scleroderma and lost her leg in the battle. She didn’t let that slow her down though. She still handled the horses, including the stallions, and had every horses respect even though she was in a wheelchair. She even rode her mare through it all. Though she lost the battle February a couple years ago, her tough lessons and strict rules are in all the students she taught. I will never forget her, Rita helped me become the equestrian I am today.

    40. My biggest equestrian hero is Ashlee Bond. I have always wanted to be a Three-Day Event Rider and I have always known that some day, I will be riding alongside some of the best equestrians in the world. I first saw Ashlee Bond win the Prize of Europe in Aachen, Germany on television. I keep watching the same Aachen shows over and over. Earlier this year, I went to the Del Mar horse show to see the Hunter/Jumper Grand Prix. I was so excited when I saw Ashlee Bond’s name on the list of riders. When I watched her and Cadett ride, I knew even more that that is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. After the competition, I went to get autographs from the riders. I was so excited and nervous to talk to Ashlee Bond. When I got to her, I didn’t know what to say, despite my careful planning. She smiled at me and I told her I saw her win the Prize of Europe. I said that I wanted to become an event rider. When she spoke to me, and I to her, it did not feel like I was speaking to a well-known showjumper and a person I had never met. It felt so natural and easy, like I had known her for a long time. It felt like it was meant to be, because I had finally found someone who loved doing this just like me. I had never spoken to a Grand Prix rider; only watched them on television with envy, knowing that in only a short while, I would be joining them. I have been looking all my life and never found people I can truly feel free with. I have finally found them. Next year, I will hopefully meet her again- and maybe someday, be her friend. One of the first things I thought of when I took my first jump of June 5th this year was Ashlee Bond, and how I had just spoken to her about my dream, and how it is coming true. Thank you Ashlee Bond, for inspiring me.

    41. I have many equestrian heroes and most are those who I have trained with. The list is; my current trainer Erin Risso for all she has and continues to do for me. Also, Jerry Schurink, Eric Horgan, Danny Warrington and Richard Lamb. I have had the amazing opportunity to ride with these clinicians and the impact they have made on my riding has been so substantial.

    42. One of my heroes is my instructor. She has always been there to help me with my young horse who i had to train. Shes always there supporting me, and helping. She understands that i have limited money for shows and so does my parents for boarding. But she always finds ways for me to help. She doesn’t make me do anything my and my horse aren’t ready for or what i know my horse isn’t ready for. My other hero is a lady who also boards at the same place i do. She faces the same money problems i do. We both understand not being able to go to shows. She has a horse the same age as mine, and she understands when im having problems or when my horse doesn’t like something. Those two people inspire me to do so much.

    43. My horsie hero is Stacy Westfall. I aspire one day to have the connection with my mare that she has with her horses. To ride without tack the way she does, is a special and marvelous thing.

    44. My Equestiran hero has to be my trainer, Kim. She has taught us what to do when riding, when doing ground work, and how to make a bond with your horse.The bond still endures and our horses learned to sumbit through joining up. She helped both me and my sister with our horses, when they proved extremely difficult. She has inspired me to become the rider I am today.

    45. My equestrian hero is Monty Roberts. He not only helps horses, but people too. One day while watching a band of mustangs he discovered join up. This has been used to gain a horse’s trust instead of making the horse afraid of you. He is an excellent role model for not only equestrians, but for anybody. He shows that kindness goes a long way and that patience is the best way to get something done.
      ‘If you act like you’ve only got fifteen minutes, it’ll take all day. Act like you’ve got all day and it’ll take fifteen minutes.’ ~ Monty Roberts

    46. My Equestrian Heros are all of the people who devote their time, hearts, and lives to take horses from a bad situation to a good one. My horse was in a terrible place before I rescued her, and now she has so much love and potential. I know that rescue orginizations are trying their best to take in all of the horses they can, but to make room for more, Rescue Horses need to be adopted! Before you buy a new horse, look into adoption. You can make a big difference in a horse’s life, and make room for another to be saved! And to the people who rescue horses,I would like to say a big Thank You!! Without your hard work and dedication to these animals, they would never have had a second chance at life, love, and freedom.

    47. My Equestrian hero would be Anky van Grunsven, because she never gives up and insipres me to take on new challenges, like she took on reining. Even if she has a bad dressage score, she keeps trying. I will always look up to her!

    48. My Equestrian Hero is probably my riding instructor, Julie and the horse-schooler, Hillary. Julie taught me how to ride, groom and care for horses. I love the horses where I ride, and our stable isn’t too large, so you get to know everybody fast. Hillary rides all the horses, she tunes them and fixes them up so everyone can ride them. She taught me a lot on handling horses and how to show them who’s boss. When I get to her level, I hope to be just like those two.

    49. My Equestrin heros are all the riders out there! My hero is anyone who has fallen off and gotten right back on. Who has experienced a full bond with a horse. Who has flew around barrels, or jumped to te sky, or told a horse all their secrets. We’re all different, but at the same time, all equestrians are joined together in the same universal bond with horses. Thank you, horses!

    50. My hero is my pony, Pixie Dust. I’ve loved horses ever since I was old enough to know what a horse was. Pixie first became my hero when she “finally” made my dream of horse ownership come true when I was 14. Many years have passed since then, but she is still my hero in many ways. She is always there for me. She’s helped me thru the hard times, as well as been with me for the happy times. Some of the highlights of my life are times spent with Pixie. She never judges me, and is always glad to see me. Pixie is occasionally used for pony rides for little kids, so I know she has made a lot of people happy, especially me!

    51. My hero would have to be my 4H horse club leader, Cindy, who retired from being leader two years ago. When I first started, she greeted me with joy and helped me get started with horses. She praised when I did good at horse bowl, hippology, or judging, she corrected when I did something wrong and she was always encouraged me to do things when I thought they were impossible. Now, she comes to cheer my friends on at horse shows, and still teaches me something new any day I’m with her. I could never have a better hero than her!

    52. My hero is Ola Patty, my instructor. She has taught me so much, and she is a really good trainer. She is so good with horses — never letting them get away with anything. Thanks, Ola!

    53. My heroes aren’t exactly the folks you’d see flying around in a cape, but their just as powerful! I have had many as the years passed, but just this year when Martin Garcia took his place alongside the thoroughbred racing champions, my hopes were once again reestablished. He, like me, came from a small town, and from a young childhood had dreams of racing down the rail of the Kentucky Derby. When school was getting a little tough around the edges, I was privileged enough to meet him as he returned to his hometown – I went back three times that day! Thank You Martin, and thank you everyone else who has helped me on my journey!

    54. I wouldn’t say I have an equestrian hero, but an equine hero: My horse, TNT Golden Girl. Goldie has been my horse for over two years now, and she has always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to, or even just to be with me. She is the most amazing horse I have ever met, and I wouldn’t trade her for the fanciest Olympic champion even if I had the opportunity.

    55. My equestrian hero is: Breeze Madden. When I saw her ride on Authentic I thought” WOW. I want to do that someday.”

    56. My hero is my trainer Ann Gilpin. She is the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. She pretty much saved my butt with all my horses and she will always be my trainer. I Love you Ann!!!

    57. My hero is my trainer Kerry. She always seems to be one step ahead of me and knows exactly what I want to do in the equestrian world

    58. My riding hero is my trainer Katy Thurman, she has tough me everything i know. She is my inspiration for riding. My other riding hero is Clinton Anderson, i think he is a natural with horses.

    59. My equestrian hero is my trainer, Sue. She has pushed me and helped me to become the rider I am. She’s taught me so much and always looks out for me.

    60. The trainer who “started” my horse and allowed me to ride him with her on trails is my inspiration. she is calm, even minded and clear with the horse and with people as well. My horse is a so much more reasonable since he spent time at Jill Kincaides place this past winter. He will go just about anywhere for me. I always hear her advice in my mind when I am stuggling with something: “…anger & frustration occur where experience/knowledge & skill drop off.”

    61. My equestrian hero was my gym teacher at our inner-ciy high school in Pittsburgh, PA. She started an equestrian club for horse crazy kids. She took us to a therapeutic riding center where we volunteered once a week after school. She also had us all certified as jump judges for the Combined Training Association. We volunteered at all the local shows. Anything horsey she could find for us to do, she took us. I was thrilled to be a part of the horse world even if I didn’t have my own. It fueled my passion for horses, and invoked a spirit of volunteerism. Im 35 now, and have horses of my own. I love being able to share them with others that aren’t so lucky yet. I always think about my teacher and what a good role model she was as a horse person and a good human being in general. I’m sure the other kids in our club would share my setiments. She is a true unsung hero, and I hope she knows what a huge impact she had on us, and the people we turned out to be.

    62. Mine would have to be my friend Kayci.She shows me the ropes and can always be around to answer my questions.She’s great at barrels.She does alot of riding.She is truly my equestrian hero.

    63. My equestrian hero is my cousin Debbie. In her younger years she was (and still is) a rip-roaring, bold rider and whenever I fall off or have horse troubles I always think to myself “Do what Debbie would do. Get back on!” or “What would Debbie do in this situation?” Having just a pinch of her experiences and wisdom in my head always seems to help me.

    64. My equestrian hero is Beezie Madden. I think she is one of the most talented riders in the world. She can ride all different types, ages and temperaments of horses and make them perform at their best. I want to compete at spruce meadows when I am older and was very inspired in 1999 when I saw a feature about her and Judgment. He was afraid to jump water and they used positive methods to get him to accept it. If you even watch past rounds of the two of them you will hear her say good over every water jump!!!

    65. My equestrian hero would be my riding instructor. She taught me most of my knowledge about horses. She pushes me to do the things I would never think of doing. Even though she is tough on you I still love her for making me do stuff I am not comfortable with.
      Another hero would be my cousin, Glendon. She has been riding since she was five. I have been so facinated with what she does.

    66. My equestrian hero was a barn owner where I encountered my first horse, Hawk Hill Psychic. Her name is Allison Thomas,and she challenged me with spirited horses and taught me many different disciplines. She has taught me almost everything I know today. She was only in my life for about 2 years before she moved away, but in that small period of time, she made the biggest impact on my life than anyone has ever made on it before.

    67. My equestrian hero is my grandmother. She was allergic to horses and everything in the stable, but she loved her horses so much she put up with days of wearing a face mask just to be with them and ride.

    68. I had a family friend who practically got me started. She introduced me to horse shows and riding, helped me after my first fall, and taught me all about the ups and downs of horses. From my first time mounted to my first time jumping, she was there.

    69. My biggest inspiriation is Anky Van Grunsven! She’s SO awesome! One day she day whip off a breath-taking Dressage test and the next she can slid into Reining. I don’t hope to be a BIG star, but I do hope to be versatile like her in the coming years. Or at least try!

    70. My biggest hero would be Jessy Hines. She is my horse hero because she is so young and for being a barrel racer she is amazing becasue she has trained so hard and will not give up and she is only 16 years old. She also inspires me becasue she is in the 44th Annual National Championship O-Mok-See competition in Gillette,Wyoming. She will always be my hero and will alway motivate me to do anything in horse back riding.

    71. My equestrian hero is Eric Lamaze. He’s overcome so many hardships in his career and early years of riding, yet still came out on top in Beijing 2008. Truly inspirational.

    72. My equestrian hero is Steffen Peters. I am a Dressage rider myself and his moto(put the horses first and the rest will fall into place) really makes since. and it works!

    73. Gina Miles is completely my eventing hero. She’s an incredible rider and placed at her first olympics– even when she was the youngest rider on the team! I hope to be there someday too!

    74. My hero is definitely my trainer. She’s only 23, but is really the best of the best on the hunter/jumper”A” circuit. She’s tough as nails and die-hard when it comes to training, but at the end of the day she’s the best person to sit on a tack trunk with and drink a soda. And that is a great person to look up to, a friend.

    75. My mom is my equestrian hero. Ever since she was a girl she loved horses. Now she does everything she can to make my horsey dream come true. She is a great person that I know I can always look up to.

    76. My hero isn’t a person, so I don’t know if this really counts. My hero is a horse by the name of Barbaro. Most people know of this thoroughbred racehorse that ran away with the Kentucky Derby in 2006, but then in the Preakness he suffered from multiple fracures and a shattered cannon bone in his right hind. Most horses would’ve been put down on the spot; Barbaro’s owners decided to give him a chance. For 8 months and nine days that colt fought to stay alive until he had nothing left to give. So I’ve learned from him that even when the going gets tough, don’t give up; fight until you have nothing left.

    77. My equestrian hero is Steffen Peters, unlike many other people who currently ride dressage at his level, Steffen doesn’t abuse the horse with cruel techniques such as rolkur. He is also an amazing person and is such a beautiful rider 🙂 He’s bringing classical dressage back to the States.

    78. The person who inpired my to chace doing endrance was Mari Smultea and she was the one who i bought my first horse!She is the mother of my best friend and a best friend to my mother my best friend is basically aq daughter to my mom and im a daughter to her mom.

    79. My Hero? Well it is Ian Millar!! Ian has taught me too dream big and believe in myself and to believe that dreams really do come true, even if you have to work hard to get them, and with the help of your equine partner you can dream a thousand times bigger.

    80. It started off as my mom who had a horse for me before I was born and taught me to ride. She also took me to all the local shows. Later it moved to the person she enrolled me in lessons with, Reggie Bodart. He instilled all the basics in me that I continue to come back to 20+ yrs later. He is no longer with us, but I still remember everything he ever taught me and can feel him correcting me when I do something wrong!

    81. My BFF from when I lived in Iowa had a couple horses and one day I went to her house and she started talking about horses, I told her I loved horses! So, we went riding a few times and I was thrilled to ride a horse bareback! And even when her horse took off with me, it didn’t break my trust with horses. And now, I have my very own horse. 🙂

    82. My equestrian Hero’s name is Jack. Jack is in his late 50’s or early 60’s. He is a saint. He buys horses, trains them, then gives them to little kids. If the kids don’t have any tack, he gives them some. He’s the one person at my corral who is never involved in drama. He has helped me so much. He helped get the spunk out of my horse and in one afternoon with him, my cloverleaf time went from a 25 to a 22. Jack was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer, his years are limited. He’s still out with us barrel racing and still has the same up beat personality, he doesn’t complain at all, hes a true hero.

    83. i love eric lamaze. he has such determination. even with a broken foot he still entered the show ring. i find that very brave. i want to be a showjumper some day & even if i’m half the showjumper he is… i’d be fine with that 🙂

    84. My equestrian hero would most definatley without a doubt be my best friend Rhianna. We both have loved horses since we were born, she happened to have one before me though. The first time I went to ride with her she rode bareback, she looked so brave and beautiful when she was galloping in an open field with horses running along side her. I wanted to be like her and without her I wouldn’t have the confidence to be riding my horse bareback and bridleless today!

    85. My Equestrian hero is Kim Meeder. She runs Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch with her husband, Troy, where they rescue abused horses and train them. Then they use them in horse therapy to abused children. They are truly the most inspiring people I know of!

    86. My Equestrin Hero is Mostdefinitly Edward Gal he inspires me to do Dressage. If I could do Dressage all the time I would. As well as Edward there is Totilas I think that horse is a one of a kind and that Toto has the most human characteristics in all the horses I’ve ever seen.

    87. I have two heros first is bezzie madden I just loved her since I first say her on TV i always wanted to meet her and also my riding instructor Kelly Snowdon she is awesome and teaches me everything and when I mess up she doesn’t get mad.

    88. My equestrian hero is Monty Roberts. He has opened my and so many other peoples’ eyes when it comes to the harsh training methods that people use to use on horses. He has descovered how to “talk” to horses in their language. For that and many other things he with always be my horsey hero.

    89. My hero is the woman that has taught me to ride for the past 5 years. She drags me around with her to clinics, fairs, shows, shopping, and most of all trail rides! Every year we learn a lot more from each other, and from her wonderful horses, which she lets me ride for exchange of barn chores. She’s taught me so much, and no matter where I go and work with horses, I’ve been complimented on my knowledge in safety and handling. That and more, I owe it all to her! Thank you Becky!

    90. My horse hero is my trainer Charlene. She trained me and my first horse and she has given me some of the best advice. She said that it doesnt matter how many times you fall off, it matters how many times u get back on. Now she is helping me train my second horse.

    91. My hero is Stacy Westfall. She is a good example of how training horses is supposed to be done. She has accomplished amazing tasks such as riding bareback and bridle-less in complicated reining patterns, and won, and I think she is someone to look up to in the horse world and should be more thoroughly recognized.

    92. My equestrian hero is Terri Helbich. She is the ultimate example of self-less love. Since I’ve been under her instruction, she has taught me everything from horse care, correct riding position, to what it means to live. Her teaching doesn’t stop once we leave the arena though. She continues to care and teach us kids life lessons daily. She is not only the physically strongest person I know, but she is also one of the most wise and humble. Today, I watched her as she had to put down her first horse, the love of her life. Being there to comfort her today was another one of those little life lessons I have learned to look for every day,and I feel honored to have been able to watch her as she let go of her first love, Lady. May she be blessed with our love, comfort, and company for years to come.

    93. My equestrian hero is one of my older instructors named Cindy with her horse, Jac. She did pony club and she was almost in the equestrian olympics. She has taught me some of the best advice ever heard. Some of it was so advanced, it was hard to understand!

    94. My equestrian hero is my old instructor. I don’t ride for her anymore, but we are still close. She is a model equestrian. She is an amazing rider and knows what she is talking about when it comes to riding (and horses). She also is a great horsewoman and a huge horse lover. She simply has a big love for horses and is always happy when I see her.

    95. I have two equestrian heros. Stacy Westfall and Shawn Flarida. They both ride flawlessly and their reining is breath taking. I could only wish to ride like them someday.

    96. The people that I admire most in the horse world, and want to be like someday, are Pat and Linda Parelli. Visit Parelli.com to find out why.
      Another person i admire is my friend’s older bro (no, its NOT a crush LOL) he trains horses and is a cowboy and a great christian.

    97. Lis Hartel is my equestrian role model. Lis was diagnosed with polio and was paralyzed from the knee down. During her riding career Lis won 2 silver medals in the Olympics for Dressage even with her disease in 1952 and in 1956. At the time military men dominated the equestrian sport, Lis was one of the first women to ever compete and win a medal in the Olympics. Lis never gave up on her dreams and became one of the most amazing equestrian stars int the world. This is why Lis Hartel is my horsey role model.


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