FEI Sets Safety Goals


The FEI set new safety goals for this riding seasonThe Fèdèration Equestre Internationale (FEI) General Assembly held in Estoril, Portugal concluded April 15. Committee members and elected officials of the FEI, which governs world class performance competitions, met to discuss progress on a variety of topics as well as set goals for upcoming years. One of the important topics was continuing study on a safety program that focuses on improving conditions in three-day eventing. The goal is to reduce the percentage of riders who are seriously injured and the percentage of horse falls during competition. In particular, the study seeks ways to eliminate the most dangerous falls, those where the horse catches a leg on a cross-country obstacle and somersaults. Ultimately, suggestions will be made on how to improve conditions in international three-day eventing to lower risks to horses and riders. The FEI is in the sixth year of collecting reports from all international three-day events, and the 2006 data should be published soon.

The news comes during a time in which three-day eventing is making headlines around the world. At the U.K.’s 2007 Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials, two horses died, and at the Rolex Kentucky Three-day Event last month, Amy Tryon’s mount Le Samurai was euthanized after suffering an injury during cross country. 


  1. ..and so they should!! In this day and age, eventing no longer serves its original purpose of demonstrating the horses’ and riders’ fitmess for military service. Horses dying during this kind of competition is not only unconscionable, but entirely superfluous and unwarranted. Keep reporting on this, please!!

  2. I understand the “Thrill” of cross-country, but there is just no need for some of the jumps. Honestly, whenever have you had to jump a 5ft wall into a 6ft drop into water. I know I’ve been riding for 15 years and have never once had to do that. I think there is just no need for such dangerous jumps.


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