New Twist in the Get Savvy and Win Contest


Competition in the Get Savvy and Win Contest has been heating up, but it’s about to get even more challenging. Pat and Linda Parelli are posing a new question here at on April 3 in Round 2 of Get Savvy and Win! That means you’ve only got a few days left to play in Round 1–have you answered the Parellis
current challenge, “What do horses think we humans are?”

To give you a head start for next week’s challenge, here’s some feedback to help you win:
After answering the question from Pat and Linda, get chatty about your horse. The more details you provide, the more likely you are to garner votes (hint, hint)! Your horse’s age, breed and what discipline you ride are good starters, but don’t be shy about revealing training successes too. A good story is always interesting.

Don’t forget to check back April 3 for a new question and a new chance to win.

Good Luck!


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