Help Unwanted Horses

    The Unwanted Horse Coalition works towards helping unwated horses

    The mission of the Unwanted Horse Coalition is to reduce the number of unwanted horses and to improve their welfare through education about health, safety and responsible care. Even with these efforts underway, however, too many owners are unaware of, or do not give enough thought to, the options, services and assistance available in the industry to help them ensure that their horses have caring and humane support throughout their lives.

    If you know of an unwanted horse, help his owners find him a new home. Let people know that the Unwanted Horse Coalition website has an extensive list of facilities that provide specific services for unwanted horses, such as retraining facilities, therapeutic riding groups, police departments, and facilities that accept horses with special needs, such as retirement farms and rescue groups. For a list of these facilities by state, visit /redirect.php?


    1. that is a lovely idea but i dont think it will do much good. sure it will help the truly ignorant horse owner, but it wont help the horse with the tuly lazy, cruel, or sick owner. I am glad that the issue of horse abuse is finally getting some spotlight though.

    2. I sure wish I could take all the unwanted horses. They’re not unwanted it’s just that those who want them often can’t take them.


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