HorseChannel Newswire


Tips sought in horse case
A starving white horse discovered abandoned in a pasture south of Salinas, Calif., had to be euthanized, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for Monterey County said Wednesday. The SPCA said it will award $1,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to an arrest and conviction in the case, from The Californian. Read more >>

Pink backs horse ban campaign
Outspoken singer Pink has decided to use her celebrity status to raise awareness of the plight of working horses in New York, from Yahoo. Read more >>

Man Saves Horse’s Life Using….Duct Tape
Duck® Brand Duct Tape recently sponsored its “Duct Tape Saves the Day” contest where users submitted their best story on how duct tape won the day, from BuildingOnline. Read more >>

2007 AQHA Racing Champions Named
The American Quarter Horse Association today announced the 2007 AQHA Racing Champions during a ceremony at Heritage Place in Oklahoma City, from the AQHA. Read more >>

Saddlebreds and ASHA Youth Club members to appear on international hit TV show, The Saddle Club
Saddlebreds will be featured on a popular TV series among kids in January. The Saddle Club will spoltlight the American Saddlebred in one of its video journals in an episode scheduled to air on January 19, from the ASHA. Read more >>

Horse ownership is a luxury these days
If you’re thinking about going out and adopting or buying a horse, please consider this first: Other than the fixer-upper house, there is nothing more likely to suck money out of your pockets than a horse, from The Coloradoan. Read more >>

North American Trail Ride Conference Competitive Trail Rides
2008 Tentative Ride Season, from NATRC.


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