HorseChannel Newswire


    Meredith Turns On That Shutterfly Magic
    Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum claimed the Rolex FEI World Cup Jumping title for the second time in her career with a magical performance from Shutterfly, from the FEI. Read more >>

    Olympic rider McPherson fined over horse whipping
    Showjumping officials have been accused of covering up a £1,000 fine issued to a star of Britain’s Olympic team for “overwhipping” a horse, from This Is London. Read more >>

    Statement by the IOC Athletes Commission
    Athletes passionately express their feeling on Beijing 2008, from the FEI. Read more >>

    Hong Kong Jockey Club Turf Expert Creates Perfect Olympic Footing
    The Olympic cross-country turf course at Beas River has been thoroughly tested and the results prove that the quality of the turf, the shock-absorbency of the footing and its drainage ability are all excellent, from the USEA. Read more >>

    Bucks teen dies in fall from horse
    A teenage Bucks County, Pa., equestrian died early Friday after a fall from a horse she was apparently riding for the first time, according to police and the horse farm’s owner, from The Philadelphia Inquirer. Read more >>

    Horse wanders streets of Chicago
    A horse got loose from Noble Horse Theater in Old Town early Monday morning, from ABC7. Read more >>

    Bourbon Barrel Ale will benefit horse farm
    Alltech’s Lexington Brewing Co., which produces Kentucky Ale, Kentucky Light and Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale, began selling a commemorative Bourbon Barrel Ale this month that will raise money for two horse-related organizations, from Business First. Read more >>

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