Benefit Helps Injured Horsewoman


“This ride was not about the money, but about how a community of horse women and men came together to help an individual in need,” said Olivia “Pinnie” Sears of Montague, Massachusetts, who fractured her back and sustained other serious injuries in an April 11 horseback riding accident. 
Sears, a lifelong horsewoman and Massachusetts 4-H judge, was left unable to walk. To help, Stephanie Sanders-Ferris, publisher of the regional magazine Massachusetts Horse, organized and sponsored a benefit pleasure ride last June that drew 80 participants and raised more than $3,200.  Staff writers for the magazine and dedicated volunteers worked to make the ride a success, gathering sponsors for prizes.
“Community response was incredible,” said Sanders-Ferris.  “Our silent auction made a real difference and delighted everyone with bidding opportunities on hay, shavings, grain, rubber stall mats, trips, products and services.”

While Sears’ original diagnosis was paraplegia, she’s now walking and working her way back into the saddle.


  1. This article was very upliftin, it’s a terribly thing to have happen to her, but so wonderful how the community pulled together. So glad to hear, she’s is walking, hope she’s back on her horse again soon. She and people like her are truly an inspiration. That “Never give Up!” motto..Would like to her how she is progressing.

  2. i no someone who was in a horse related accident less than three weeks and broke his neck just leading the horses an dwe stilll dont no 4 sure exactly what happened but they say he is paralized from the chest down they ar ehoping to eventually get movements from the waist up eventually. It’s so sad and he was a cowbay who new what he was doing and didnt do anything he shouldnt have and its so sad it just shows how fast and how easily things can happen even to the most experienced. Makes u think twice about some of the things u do and makes u realize just how lucky u are to walk etc. it is just so sad best of luck to Sears getting back in the saddle and continuing on u were lucky as am sure u no it is just so sad.


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