Want to Judge Some Morgans?


The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) is preparing to host its 25th Annual Youth Horse Judging Contest. Drawing4-H, Future Farmers of America (FFA), College and AMHA Youth teams from across the country, the contest provides young judges with the opportunity to see world class Morgan horses first-hand and learn from Morgan experts.
The contest will take place Oct. 12, 2007, in conjunction with the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. An educational clinic and contest registration are scheduled for the evening of Oct. 11 and an awards brunch is planned for Saturday, October 13. In between  activities, youth, coaches and parents are invited to tour the barns and catch the action in any of the three rings, which include performances in reining, carriage driving, roadster to bike, equitation, and more.
If you’re interested but new to the judging game—and may be to Morgan horses—AMHA has a variety of resources available to help you prepare for this and other horse judging contests. 

For more information on this contest, and for a registration form, contact Joyce Ackerman Burroughs at joyce@morganhorse.com.

For information on the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show visit www.morgangrandnational.com.



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