Time to Saddle Up Sideways


If you’re a fan of riding sidesaddle or you merely have a fascination with the elegant, old fashioned yet still viable discipline, you might want to consider visiting Kentucky Horse Park in September. Sidesaddle Weekend is September 8 & 9 at the famed park. The sidesaddle riding style, which harkens back to the days of a more demure seat on horseback for women, will be showcased in the Parade of Breeds.  Special guests from the Ladies Aside organization will prove their adage, “If you can do it astride, you can do it aside.” This diverse group of six women ride their horses sidesaddle in a variety of disciplines, both English and western, including jumping, endurance and historic re-enactments.

Their sidesaddle mounts include a Racking Horse, a Spotted Draft and a Drum Horse, as well as an Arabian National Champion that was rescued from severe neglect.


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