The Trail Trotters program, which promotes community-based stewardship of trails by equine enthusiasts, was recently adopted by the American Quarter Horse Association.
Trail Trotters has been a program of the Equestrian Land Conservation Resource, with assistance from the National Forest Foundation. The program’s mission is to promote equestrian involvement in the restoration, repair and establishment of trails and trailheads.
In addition, the AQHA is seeking a new name for the Trail Trotters program to recognize its new affiliation. Do you have a creative name that you’d like to trot out to the AQHA? You can email it to Stephanie McCommon at by May 25. Make sure you include your name, address and phone number along with your suggested program name. The person whose name is chosen will win a $100 gift certificate to Quarter Horse Outfitters. Just think: You could buy something to use on your next trail ride!