Eventing Symposium Offers Unique Educational Opportunity

The USEA is holding three eventing clinics open to the public

The United States Eventing Association is hosting an eventing symposium Jan. 28-30 at Longwood South farm in Ocala, Fla. The event features the ICP Jumping Symposium Jan. 28, followed by an Eventing Judges Dressage Continuing Education Clinic and a Young Event Horse (YEH) Judging Seminar Jan. 29 and 30. 

All three days are open to the public. Anyone interested is welcome, includingriders, owners, breeders, instructors and judges.
The ICP Jumping Symposium focuses on teaching and riding over show jumping coursework with appropriate balance, impulsion, line and pace. The Dressage Judges Clinic provides continuing education credit for eventing officials and offers valuable insight to all riders and trainers. The YEH program is an outstanding educational experience for all riders and judges; it emphasizes the jumping/galloping portion of the Young Event Horse test.

The current schedule is as follows:

Jan. 28, 2008 – ICP Jumping Symposium with hunter/jumper instructor/trainer John Madden as lead presenter and with Richard Jeffery setting and explaining lines of related show jumping fences.

Jan. 29, 2008 – Eventing Judges Dressage Continuing Education Clinic with dressage judge and instructor Linda Zang as lead presenter.

Jan. 30, 2008 – YEH Judging Seminar with lead presenter Martin Plewa, an “O” three-day event judge and top rider/trainer/young sport horse judge from Germany.

Those interested in attending or riding in the event should contact Nancy Myers at (703) 779-0440 ext. 3007 or nancy@useventing.com.


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