Concerns Over Halter Horse Conformation Spawn New Organization


A new equine association called the World Conformation Horse Association has formed, and prospective members will get a chance to learn more about the organization on October 17 during the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio.

The WCHA got its start when more than 40 concerned halter horse owners, breeders and trainers from nine states gathered in Tioga, Texas, May 29-30, for a think-tank strategy meeting to discuss issues facing the halter horse industry. There has been criticism in the stock horse world over today’s halter horse conformation, which some critics argue is now detrimental to soundness and good performance. According to reports, the WCHA’s purpose is not only to promote the halter horse, but to bring back the value of good conformation in the horse.

“We have been extremely encouraged by the response we have received from the industry,” says Peter Cofrancesco, III, of Sparta, N.J., WCHA steering committee chairman. “There has been nothing but positive support from all sectors of the stock horse industry as the WCHA has begun delivering its message regarding the value of good conformation in the horse, regardless of the discipline it might be competing in.”

Cofranscesco said that during the Congress, information will be provided about the direction and focus of the WCHA, and special announcements will be made regarding competitions to be held in 2008. The WCHA event is free and open to anyone interested, although tickets are required to attend. Tickets are available from any WCHA committee member, at indicated stalling areas at the Congress or by e-mailing Tickets will be available through October 12. For more information about the WCHA, call (817) 443-0686.


  1. I think the concerns of the average person out there are that even with this new group, it will be the same old with trainers winning everything. We none mind getting beat when someone else has the best horse; but, we all know that doesn’t happen very often when you get to the big shows. Until we have judges that judge the horse and not who is leading it in and who owns it, there will be a decline in people interested in staying in the halter horse industry and coming into the industry. It is sad to hear comments among the average horse people. They feel they have no chance, even if they would have the best horse. If the new organization wants to do something to better the industry they should concentrate on changing what other people believe to be the truth in this industry. If they want more people involved, they need to show everyone that it is going to be different. It goes back to discrimination. Average horse people feel that they are always discriminated against. You prove it to them that this group will be different, then you may have something. Until then, the little people will probably stand on the side line and watch and listen to what is going on, and then make up their own minds whether this is same old same old.


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