Online Tack and Horse Equipment Guide: Polo Wraps


Polo wrapsPolo Wraps: As the name suggests, polo wraps originated on the polo field, where they were used as protective covering for the horses’ legs with the bonus of being available in the teams’ colors. Polo wraps stand up to rigorous use and repeated washings, and they provide lightweight support for active horses. But they must be used correctly.

  • Always wrap from front to back. That way, any tension is placed across the front of the horse’s cannon bone, not against the tendons and ligaments that run down the back of the leg.
  • Start at the bottom of the leg, just above the fetlock joint, and wrap upward.
  • Each successive wrap should cover about 1/3 of the previous wrap.
  • You should finish just below the horse’s knee.
  • Make sure you maintained consistent pressure throughout the wrapping process. There shouldn’t be any gaps, lumps or large wrinkles.
  • Polo wraps are temporary protection for short-term exercise, performance or turn-out time. They are not meant to be left on overnight.

Click here for step-by-step instructions on correctly using polo wraps.

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  1. Thank you for posting this how-to. It’s amazing how many times I have seen polos put on a horse improperly, and how much damage they can cause if they are not on correctly. I think this is something every horse person should read, there is no reason for horses to sustain injuries from wraps that are supposed to help the horse!


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