Jonathan Field: Building Partnership through Leadership Video

In this video, Jonathan Field demonstrates how to build your horse's trust and create a partnership between horse and rider.


Trainer and clinician Jonathan Field demonstrates how to develop a partnership with your horse and keep him focused on you, even when distractions arise. For more on this topic, see the Natural Horsemanship column in the February 2012 issue of Horse Illustrated.


More from Jonathan Field
Teach Your Horse to Go Through Water
Starting the Young Horse


  1. Excellent, thank you so much. You are so easy to understand, your instruction methods are right on target! Love the “real life” situations.

  2. I am strictly a trail rider so this demo was very practical and useful for me. It has given me an additional tool to use on the trail when my horse, Donnie, gets nervous. Before seeing this demo I would ride Donnie in serpentines when he got nervous on the trail. We have had a mountain lion in the area I ride in around my boarding stable, so Donnie is a little more alert on the trail now. I will start using the technique Jonathan demonstrated when I ride on the trail from now on.

  3. So practical….So helpful!! There’s nothing like seeing the techniques in action in a reality situation!! Best kind of learning tool…thanks so much!!

  4. Great video!!
    Thanks for sharing. I will use these tips next time I take my easily distracted mare out on the trail.
    Outstanding job at Road to the Horse 2012

  5. This I enjoyed very much. Love the willingness to present in actual circumstances and not in the usual calm, controlled environment. Looking forward to more of THIS trainer. Great instruction and attention to what cues indicate reconnecting focus and leadership. THANK YOU

  6. Jonathan Field was excellent in his presentation! As a teacher, I think the hardest part is making sure you are clear with your explanation, otherwise, what’s the point of the exercise? Mr. Field was excellent in both his demonstration and explanation. I’m ready to tackle my horse with a “plan”. Thanks for the help.

  7. An on the spot demonstration of gaining control.
    It could have gone badly – a real fight of wills. But Jonathan Field remained calm and keeping to his plan, he brought the horse around. It took repeated measures however. Perhaps we tend to give up too quickly when we don’t get immediate results. But determined persistence paid off.
    They got their quiet, controlled ride at the end.
    Thanks for this lesson.

  8. Love what you have on the video. Can watch what you do for control of the horse & how to do that by what you show. You explain stuff well as you say what the horse is doing & how to bring him back under control. That is what I like to know the why & how to fix it to keep me safe. I’m an older rider in my 60’s & need that. Love your program’s. I’m form Ont. Canada & seen you at the equine show in Orange in 2013 was great.

  9. Excellant job of gaining his trust outside. Although for the advanced amature, we still have trouble with these areas at times. Then I think I would go to ground work, he rode it though, but a couple of times, it might have been a ground work time for me.

  10. I really like this gentleman Jonathan Field, I think he’s kinder than the Parillis and even Anderson. Kindness goes a long long way!


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