Horsemanship How-to: Stop the Bolting Horse


Dapple gray horseA horse that bolts is scary indeed because it’s like being aboard a runaway train. Though your first impulse is to stop the horse by pulling back with both reins, that’s usually ineffective. A panicked, determined horse is simply too strong, especially since they tend to lock their jaw against the bit. A better way to regain control is to disrupt the bolter’s forward momentum by exerting pressure on just one rein instead of two. You may recognize this method as a pulley rein if you ride English or as a variation on the one-rein stop if you are a western rider. In either case, it’s valuable as a sort of emergency brake.

Since most people are right-handed, we’ll use the right hand as the dominant one here. The instant your horse bolts, get both hands on the reins and shorten them so you have solid, consistent contact with your horse’s mouth. Then set your left hand down on the crest of your horse’s neck, just above the withers. You can grab a handful of mane for security if you’d like, but make sure the palm and base of your hand are braced against the crest. Then step down in your stirrups and lean back; tipping forward weakens your position in the saddle. Now, in one strong effort, bend your elbow and lift up and back with your right hand. With your left hand firmly planted on the neck, the bolter can’t merely bend his neck and keep running. He’ll have to tip his nose to the right. He’ll also be momentarily unbalanced, which will force him to alter his gait and pace to readjust his weight. Continue to exert your rein pressure until he begins to turn. If he resists, relax only your right rein slightly and then bend your elbow and lift up and back once more. As he responds, and unlocks his vise-like hold on the bit, lift your left hand off his neck just enough as a release so you turn the horse to the right. Once he’s turning, you can continue bending him into a circle and then stop.

Of course, having a horse that is supple laterally is more likely to respond quickly to this tactic. Practice with your horse, asking him to bend through his neck and yield or “give” to pressure from one rein at a time. Then, if he ever does happen to spook and bolt, you’ll be able to reconnect with him in just a stride or two.

Further Reading
Bolting Jumper
Bolting on the Trail

See more Horsemanship How-tos >>


  1. When i go rideing on my horse i do the
    (one rein stop). so if i know the horse is
    going to fast or getting kinda spooky.i use the (one rein stop). with my right hand and turn the horse so my horse can stop it helps me.THANKS HORSE CHANNEL.kilee

  2. So, will this work when your horse is bitted with the solid mouthpieced curb? Because what you do with one rein happens to the other side whether you have rein contact or not.

  3. Obviously this method only works for ridden horses. Having recently witnessed a driver attempt to stop a driving bolt by turning in a *riding* size circle and upsetting her vehicle and suffering fractured pelvis, a gentle reminder that turning in a circle is ok if you have the room to drive a big enough circle, say 60 meters or so. If not, you and you have the room to relatively safely drive the bolt out until the horse tires, that will work. In any event stay with the vehicle! If you jump out, you will have created a deadly weapon for sure.

  4. I have a pony that bolts a lot and when I tried your advice she just raised her head and started trotting of to the side.I jst described that very badly but if you have any advice on how I could get her to stop id greatly appriciate it

  5. My horse just started locking against the bit and bolting for no reason. But I no matter how much I pull, I can’t turn or slow him down. I now have nine stitches on the side of my head because he did this and ran underneath some low branches. How can I steer him when he is doing this? And it isn’t just on the trail either. Inside or out, he locks against the bit and runs.
    Please help me

  6. Once a girl rode my horse, and when he tried to run away she grabbed the rein and pulled. He ran in circles until he got dizzy, and I must say that it was very well done xD

  7. Do you have any suggestions for those of us with very long torsos and short arms? My new hose has bolted twice, but the problem with the pulley rein is that in order to press my left hand on the mane, I have to lean down, which puts my seat in a very precarious position. Without tipping forward, there’s no way I can make contact with his neck.


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