Critique My Riding


    How it works:
    Upload a video of you riding or driving your horse, and select Critique My Riding as the category. You will need to log in to your Club Horse account to upload a video.

    In the Video Description section, briefly describe what you and your horse are working on so that viewers will know how to critique you. Keep it short and to the point. Don’t use this space to list all the faults you think you have or make excuses for them! You’ll get better critiques if you let viewers tell you what they see rather than leading them to look at your perceived faults.

    Example of a good description:
    “This is my horse, Dobbin, and me during a lesson last month. We competed in hunters this year, but next year I plan to try equitation, and I need a few pointers.”

    Example of a bad description:
    “This is my horse, Silver, and me at a show last month. I know my heels need to be down more, but someone on the rail opened an umbrella and it freaked Silver out so I was trying to push him over so my leg position isn’t as good as it usually is. And I know he’s tossing his head a lot, but I just switched his bit right before that show and he’s much better now.”

    Viewers can only critique what they can see. If the only video you have of you is from a day when you had an unusually bad ride, or if the video quality makes it difficult to see you, wait until you have a better video to submit a clip for critiquing.

    To critique a video:
    Once you’ve watched a video, you can leave your critique by clicking “Submit a Comment” at the bottom of the page.

    Critique what you know. If you’ve only ridden hunters, you probably won’t be able to effectively critique a barrel racer.

    Be helpful and be nice. Riders upload videos because they want advice on how to improve their riding, but that doesn’t mean they want to be ripped apart. Make sure your critique is constructive. Be specific and explain what they can do to work on problems.


    1. I spend Monday, Wensday and Friday at the stables. After school I go to the stables at about 3 in the the afternoon and leave at around 5 or 6. I spend about 2 hours in the arena with my horse. I do many warm ups that keep me balenced and strong in the saddle. I do that for about a hour and I have a lesson right after that. One Tuesday and Thursday I get a good worout. I first go for a jog with my dog. I jog for about an hour. They I relax a bit more by swing on my swing for an hour. After I eat dinner I do push ups, sit ups and many other things to get me strong when I’m not at the stable. I also do yoga on Wii fit for a half hour or so to get my balence great.

    2. Ive always wanted 2 teach i find myself teaching my friends who are less expirienced than me on thier horses, but im only 13 so how can i get a job rite now??? but this can help my dreams come true and i can teach and help other people’s riding!!!

    3. I have just recently found out that I was holding my horse to tight which made him brace his neck and out pull me. I was able to get his neck losser and gave him a loss rein and he was a totally diffrent horse so if you have a horse bracing do that and he also would listen to the touch of the rein.

    4. saddlebredluva: I’m no expert, but here are some ideas for you–
      * Learn more about riding. Constantly read articles about training, riding position, etc. Take lessons yourself, if you aren’t already. Think about what you learn and how you learn it. This will not only teach you riding skills, but it will help you develop an effective teaching style, by seeing what works/what doesn’t.
      * Do well in school. Take it seriously. Not only will the skills you learn help you greatly, but it will teach you work ethic and control, and good grades help towards many things early in life.
      * Get work/volunteer at a stable or barn, especially a lesson barn. Watch lessons when you can, and see how the instructor teaches the students, and how well it works.
      * I believe that you can get certified to instruct once you’re 16–also, research rider safety, teaching style, and other relevant topics.

    5. Saddlebredluva: Join a horsey 4-H,Pony Club or FFA organization to learn more about riding or judging. Read the Pony Club Horsemanship Manuels- they are great for learning more information. Good luck

    6. I wish i could help more, but I know there are alot of nice horsepeople on Horse Channels, that do know and lend their knowledge out willingly.


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