Video of the Week: A Girl and Her Horse


About a month ago, we featured the first in a series of videos by French filmmaker Julien Guntz. Here’s another one, featuring a day in the life of a girl and her horse. Guntz’s “Like Horses” videos are pretty much completely wordless, but the soundscapes he captures around the farm are just as beautiful as the visual images, so make sure you’ve got the sound on your computer turned up.


Want your funny or amazing horse video to be considered for HorseChannel’s Video of the Week? Upload your video here. Videos must show safe, responsible horsemanship practices, and animals must appear healthy, comfortable, and treated with respect.

See past Videos of the Week >>


  1. Wonderful video! It’s nice to hear what horses can easily hear around the barn 🙂 The only thing that I 100% disagree with about some horse owners is this: horses DO NOT need blankets at all! Only if the horse is clipped or it is cold and rainy you need a water proof, warm blanket.
    Besides the blanket thing, this was a great video.

  2. Very nice video. I agree with this young lady, horses do need blankets and protection. Expecially if it’s a show horse that has to have a show coat all year long and not bleach it’s coat color out in the summer’s sun, besides, who likes flies and bugs chewing on their horses.

  3. I enjoyed watching this video because there was nothing but pure sound of nature, and shared relationship with the girl and her horse. Although, there was no sound to enhance the pictures, the natural background sounds and the movement of the girl and her horse in my opinion, visually to me expressed a loving, sweet, gentle and carrying owner. The horse showed signs of the love, commitment, respect and peace in being with it’s owner:) Just the way it should be!


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