Featured Video: The Story of a Man and His Horse


A Man and His Horse
We’re getting the first days of cool, autumn weather here in Horse Illustrated’s hometown of Lexington, Kentucky, and that means its almost time to break out our horses’ winter wardrobe. Some things that we think about when we think of horse blankets are:

  • The latest waterproofing technology;
  • Fun and/or coordinating colors;
  • The annual contest at the barn to see whose horse is the most destructive to his clothing.

Then there are some things that we don’t usually think about in relation to blankets, until we watched this Horseware Ireland ad:

  • The unspoken bond between human and animal;
  • Finding our one true (human) soul mate;
  • The passage of time and our own mortality.

In all seriousness, this is about as beautiful an ad as you’ll ever see. Definitely keep the tissues handy.


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  1. yeh its nice…and i am bonkers for anything horse, but this ad didn’t really touch me. look for the 2013 Budweiser ad on YouTube. That one made me cry.

  2. I absolutely loved this video. It really made me think of our OTTB’s. It did bring tears to my eyes.Thank you for sharing this.

  3. Alright, it was a lovely ad, and I do completely respect the intended message. However. To be snarky (too many years in marketing), it looks like the people have aged about 30-40 years from the “then” to the “now” sections of the ad. Assuming the horse would have been at least 5 years old at the beginning of the “story,” the horse would now be 35 or 40. He looks really good for 40. 🙂 Maybe the blankets really are that good! 🙂 But, next time, I’d do a kid with a pony, and then have the kid, now an adult, coming back to the barn with his kids, and teaching his kids how to adjust the blanket. More realistic that a pony could see its human from human’s age 10 to age 35, than that a horse could see its human from roughly 30 years old to roughly 70 years old.

  4. Lovely Ad! But agree with FANDANGO on the credits. People have really aged, but the horse looks the same! Maybe got lucky and found the same color and a good match over the years. Yes, it was a few different styles in blankets. But the ageing thing has me thinking.

  5. Okay, he aged, she aged and the horse? You never did see the facial markings on the horse when he was young. So obviously it was a look a like on the horse for the ad.

  6. Timeless ad, but I agree with the other people, you see them age, and the original horse would have to been 50 years old at the end! Seriously!

  7. Its a commercial folks, just to make you think about their blankets……not anything else, you are reading too much into it. Its a great ad..


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