Video of the Week: Deer Friends


We’ve seen horses befriend dogs and cats and other farm animals, but when wildlife wanders into the pasture, will horses react with curiosity? Fear? Territorial anger?

There’s certainly no fear or anger as this horse and his deer friend hang out, although the horse might be getting a little annoyed at his buddy’s attempts to scratch his head. Or is he trying to play a game? Hard to say. It’s cute, either way.


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  1. Actually, that is a young buck. He’s trying to butt heads with the horse, which is how bucks fight each other. I’m pretty suprised that horse was able to avoid those pointy little prongs, and he seemed to tolerate the boisterous youngerster

  2. Oh young spike and he’s looking for trouble! Thank goodness this Halfi is calm about it! Spells trouble if you ask me!


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